Server: Kredencijali: DataBase: bp_tim_68 Username: writer Password: ItjYs8WD4VajT56A
Tipovi i kategorije vozila, cenovnik po godinama, evidencija klijenata i svih njihovih iznajmljenih vozila, sa ili bez vozaca, ..."
Database for "Rent-a-car". Our main domain in this project is to design and export a relational database for a chain of "Rent-a-car" stores. We are firstly making an "ER (Entity Relationship) model", using a "Power designer" tool, and afterwards exporting it into a physical database which we are uploading on the server. Business rules:
- We can have a multiple stores on different locations, which provide clients to land a car in one location and return it in another.
- Clients can choose available cars based on different car categoires (such as fuel type, carbody type, door type,...)
- All the stores have their pricelists, based on the cars available, which are being updated when necessary (usually twice a year)
- One member of staff can work in just one store.
- Clients can get various types of discounts, but they may also be extra charged if they take certain actions (such as crossing the border, damaging the car, not returning a vehicle with full tank ect.). Clients can also choose to have different types of insurances.
bp_tim_68 writer ItjYs8WD4VajT56A