- Exclusive cool commands like !afk, !server and !callvote
- Can log everything. Joining and leaving voice channels, deleting or editing messages.
- Easiest bot to setup React Roles for your server.
- Create personal voice channels on joining, deleting when there are no members on the voice channel
- !afk - adds afk tag to yourself while you are away, use !afk again to remove the tag
- !callvote - Calls a vote. Has 2 modes, yesno and options.
!callvote yesno <Vote Content> !callvote options <Options Seperated by Spaces>
- !server - Display Server Information
- !add_role - Add React Role for a paticular role.
!add_role <emoji> <mention role> <role name>
- !react_roles - Start React Roles in the channel where !react_roles was executed.
- !setup_voice - Join the VoiceChannel that you want to be Personal Channel and run the command
- !setup_message_logs - Run in the TextChannel you wanna get message logs (Edits and Deletes)
- !setup_mod_logs - Run in the TextChannel you wanna get member joining and leaving.
- !setup_voice_logs - Run in the TextChannel you wanna VoiceChannels logs in.
Download the Zip File or Clone the Repository and install Requirements
git clone https://github.com/rachitchandak/discordbot
cd discordbot
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Get yourself an Application Token, Open main.py
file and add your token in the variable named TOKEN. Upload these files on a server and run the main file.
After you get the text bot logged on
, invite the bot to your server. On devoloper portal, Copy the Bot ID. Go to https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=123456789012345678&permissions=8&scope=bot%20applications.commands
and make sure you replace the client_id in the link with your Bot ID.
Select the server and you should be good to go.
you will have to setup the bot before you start using it
if setup is incomplete, the terminal may show errors. Use !add_role
and !react_role
and !setup_voice
to complete setup.
If you don't wanna setup everything, go to main.py
and remove the bot.load_extensions() for the Cogs you don't want.
Make sure PRESENCE INTENT and SERVER MEMBERS INTENT is ticked on on the discord developer portal.