1.7.10 V1.13.7
Mixin Added
-MixinPathNavigate (Vanilla) (Made tryMoveToEntityLiving Asyncronous)
Mixin Updated
-MixinEntity (Vanilla) (redundant code remover)
-MixinEntityTracker (Vanilla) (Use A Thread safe HashSet instead of not thread safe)
-MixinMinecraft (Vanilla) (Remove unecessary optimizations)
-MixinMinecraftServer (Vanilla) (Made tick method synchronized and add a a name to Save Thread)
-MixinNBTTagCompound (Vanilla) (Use ConcurrentHashMap instead of HashMap to prevent ConcurrentModificationException)
-MixinVec3 (Vanilla) (made setComponents synchronized)
-MixinWorld (Vanilla) (Improve Thread Safety)
-MixinWorldServer (Vanilla) (Improve Thread Safety + make it more memory efficient
-MixinBiomeGenBase (Vanilla) (made genBiomeTerrain synchronized)
Mixin Removed
-MixinChunkCoordIntPair (Vanilla) (Removed because Hodgepodge has a better optimization)
-MixinDedicatedServer (Vanilla) (Removed because unecessary optimizations)
-rename NoiseGeneratorOctavesMultithread to NoiseGeneratorOctavesTwo (and remove threaded features)
-rename NoiseGeneratorImprovedMultithread to NoiseGeneratorImprovedTwo (and remove threaded features)
-rename NoiseGeneratorPerlinMultithread to NoiseGeneratorPerlinTwo (and remove threaded features)
-rename NoiseGeneratorSimplexMultithread to NoiseGeneratorSimplexTwo (and remove threaded features)
-Made ArrayListThreadSafe class
-Made ConcurrentSkipListSetThreadSafe class
-Made HashSetThreadSafe class
-Made TreeSetThreadSafe class
-add a name to CompressTask thread