- A linux machine is required to perform steps below, because the
command only has linux version - Pull secret is required to get image and OCP installation. Can be downloaded from OpenShift Cluster Manager
- GCP service account info is required when creating install-config.yaml in step 4
- A linux machine is required to perform steps below, because the
Set the variable
should be a recent and supported OpenShift release image that you want to deploy in your cluster. Please refer to the support matrix for compatibilities.A sample release image would be
is the OpenShift version (e.g4.10.0-fc.4
) and theArch
is the architecture type (e.gx86_64
) -
Extract the GCP Credentials Request objects from the above release image. You must use version 4.7 or newer of the
CLI.mkdir credreqs ; oc adm release extract --cloud=gcp --credentials-requests $RELEASE_IMAGE --to=./credreqs
Extract the
binaries from the release image.oc adm release extract --command=openshift-install $RELEASE_IMAGE --registry-config=${PULL_SECRET_PATH:-.}/pull-secret CCO_IMAGE=$(oc adm release info --image-for='cloud-credential-operator' ${RELEASE_IMAGE}) && oc image extract ${CCO_IMAGE} --file='/usr/bin/ccoctl' --registry-config=${PULL_SECRET_PATH:-.}/pull-secret
Create an install-config.yaml
./openshift-install create install-config
Make sure that we install the cluster in Manual mode
echo "credentialsMode: Manual" >> install-config.yaml
Create install manifests
./openshift-install create manifests
Create GCP resources using the ccoctl tool (you will need GCP credentials with sufficient permissions). The following command will generate public/private ServiceAccount signing keys, create the cloud storage bucket, upload the OIDC config into the bucket, set up a workload identity pool/provider, and create an IAM service account for each GCP Credentials Request. It will also dump the files needed by the installer in the
directoryccoctl gcp create-all --name=<gcp_infra_name> --region=<gcp_region> --project=<gcp-project-id> --credentials-requests-dir=/path/to/credreqs/directory/created/in/step/2 --output-dir=<output_dir>
Copy the manifests created in the step 7 and put them in the same location as install-config.yaml in the
directorycp _output/manifests/* /path/to/dir/with/install-config.yaml/manifests/
Copy the private key for the ServiceAccount signer and put it in the same location as install-config.yaml
cp -a _output/tls /path/to/dir/with/install-config.yaml
Run the OpenShift installer
./openshift-install create cluster --log-level=debug
- Install ACM >= 2.8.0
- Create bucket in GCP side
Create GCP Service Account for ACM Observability(<gcp_infra_name> should be the same value as the one in step 7 above)
./ccoctl gcp create-service-accounts --credentials-requests-dir=./cr --name=<gcp_infra_name> --project=<gcp-project-id> --workload-identity-pool=<gcp_infra_name> --workload-identity-provider=<gcp_infra_name>
- Create k8s secret for ACM Observability using the generated yaml in step 1
oc apply -f ./manifests/open-cluster-management-observability-cloud-credentials-credentials.yaml
- Get the the json content of the service account which created in step 1. Replace the <bucket_name> and content of service_account in the yaml and create the secret.
oc apply -f thanos-object-storage.yaml
- Enalbe ACM Observabiilty.
oc apply -f mco_wif.yaml