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Rule based optimisation

Jen Brannstrom edited this page Oct 4, 2018 · 2 revisions

Important: Remember to put the conversion tracking code on the lander or the rule will not fire.

Rules behavior

Add rules to your Appnexus campaigns The above example shows the following Rule: "IF spend is $1 AND CPC is greater than $0.2, then blacklist"

Each rule of the campaign acts independently of another campaign's rules and independently of the rules for the same campaign.

A Rule can only set placement state to: BLACKLISTED, WHITELISTED, SUSPENDED (paused temporarily for X days).

A Rule is not able to clear a placement state (i.e. give it a "no state").

Only placements in SUSPENDED state can be UNSUSPENDED (i.e. has no state) by timeout set in the rule.

Once a Rule been applied to a placement it remembers that placement’s statistical data within the campaign and the next time it will wait for a new statistic to be collected until this new data will indicate that the placement is eligible for this rule. That means that if some placement will be first blacklisted (or suspended or whitelisted) and then its state will be changed manually or automatically (for suspend case) next time same rule will be applied to this placement only after new statistics will be collected (it does not matter how long it will take). Though other rules will be applied if the placement is eligible.

Rules latency

Our platform can use two different sources for statistical data for rules:

  1. AppNexus' reporting service:
  2. Impression Tracker service (see ImpTracker Service)

Select the source to use in administrative section

Both sources have pros and cons. For example AppNexus reporting service has 3 hours latency so rules based on it will have at least 3 hours latency also.

The ImpTracker can have up 5% of impressions loss because network issues of user's browsers as it does not act on auction-level and can track only actually displayed impressions. Though its latency is about 5 minutes.

The system runs Rules every 10 minutes but as they rely on statistical data of a campaign/placement the real latency can be from 5 minutes to 6 hours.

It all depends on the following:

  1. AppNexus has latency of up to 15min. (approx.) to apply any changes to campaign targeting.
  2. There are two possible sources of statistics: AppNexus reporting services and our Co-pilot Impression/Click/Conversion tracker.
  3. If the advertiser decides to use the Co-pilot trackers - the statistics latency will be about 6 minutes (AppNexus may charge an additional $0.02 CPM charge for adding this) If advertiser decides to use AppNexus' own data and not use Co-Pilot trackers - the latency will be about 3 hours as this is the general latency of AppNexus Reporting Service.
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