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Update: Löschen des englischen Teils der README
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schnaitter committed Jul 5, 2024
1 parent 7b948a3 commit e34cd65
Showing 1 changed file with 3 additions and 33 deletions.
36 changes: 3 additions & 33 deletions
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@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
lang: de-DE

[Markdown-Cheatsheet für Jupyter Book](

_english below_

Dieses Repositorium dient als Vorlage für [QUADRIGA]( OERs, die mit [Jupyter Book]( geschrieben werden.

## Nutzung der Vorlage
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -32,34 +33,3 @@ Wir empfehlen Dir dieses Vorgehen:
- Nun hast Du alle Anforderungen installiert und Du kannst das Jupyter Book lokal generieren mit `jb build .`.
- Machmal kann es nötig sein "aufzuräumen", bevor Du eine neue Version generierst. Das geht mit `jb clean .`. Du kannst auch beide Befehle nacheinander ausführen mit `jb clean . && jb build .`.
- Die generierte HTML-Version des Buchs kannst Du nun unter `_build/html/` finden. Um die Entwicklung zu beschleunigen kann es hilfreich sein, wenn Du das Buch über einen lokalen HTTP-Server in deinem Browser verfügbar machst. Öffne dazu ein neues Terminal(-Fenster) und führe diesen Befehl aus: `python3 -m http.server -d _build/html/`. Dies startet einen HTTP-Server, der die Inhalte des HTML-Ordners (standardmäßig) unter `http://localhost:8000/` anbietet.

# Enlish version
_german above_

This is the template repository for [QUADRIGA]( OERs created using [Jupyter Book](

## How to use the Template

Duplicate the repository into a new folder with the name of your book. You could use the command `cp -R Book_Template MY_PROJECT`. Or you can fork the repository. You need do be certain to either delete the `.git`-folder and re-initialize git or to change remotes to point to a new repository, if you copied.

Then change the file `_config.yml` to fit the new book.

Any text you write has to be in Markdown, MyST oder Jupyter Notebook format. To present it in the book you need to link to each file in the `_toc.yml`.

## Local development

We recommend the following procedure:
- Install [Anaconda]( following the instructions for your operating system.
- Clone the repository: `git clone`
- In the root folder of the repository create a (local) conda environment: `conda create -p conda python=3`.
- Activate the environment with `conda activate ./conda` (and check which installation of pip is used: `which pip`).
- Then install the requirements: `pip install -r requirements.txt`.
- This installed the requirements for the example books as well as Jupyter Books itself. Now you can build a Jupyter Book locally with `jb build .`.
- If it does't work, check if you use the correct version of Jupyter Book with `which jb`. If it is not the correct one deactivate the environment with `conda deactivate` and then reactivate it again with `conda activate ./conda`
- It can be helpful to clean up before you build with e.g.: `jb clean . && jb build .`.
- You can run a local server to see, what the book looks like. Use for example Pythons builtin HTTP server. In a new terminal run the following command.
python3 -m http.server -d _build/html/
This serves the files in the subdirectory `_build/html/`. To view them use a browser and go to `http://localhost:8000`.

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