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Add memoize functionality
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Based on the review comment of qlirka I added a memoized module.
Which cleans up reading functions such as getWorkbookRelationships
quite a bit.
This is a little slower because the zip archive gets read multiple
But this seemed to have no impact on the benchmarks.

Furthermore I changed runExpat to be in IO.

The only external change is that I
Attached context to workbook errors.
But these are exceptions that weren't
exposed in the first place.

Add TODO item for bad reading of zip
  • Loading branch information
jappeace committed Dec 14, 2021
1 parent e22df3a commit 90535dc
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Showing 3 changed files with 125 additions and 67 deletions.
60 changes: 60 additions & 0 deletions src/Codec/Xlsx/Parser/Internal/Memoize.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}

-- | I rewrote:
-- for monad trans basecontrol
-- we don't need a generic `m` anyway. it's good enough in base IO.
module Codec.Xlsx.Parser.Internal.Memoize
( Memoized
, runMemoized
, memoizeRef
) where

import Control.Applicative as A
import Control.Monad (join)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.IORef
import Control.Exception

-- | A \"run once\" value, with results saved. Extract the value with
-- 'runMemoized'. For single-threaded usage, you can use 'memoizeRef' to
-- create a value. If you need guarantees that only one thread will run the
-- action at a time, use 'memoizeMVar'.
-- Note that this type provides a 'Show' instance for convenience, but not
-- useful information can be provided.
-- @since
newtype Memoized a = Memoized (IO a)
deriving (Functor, A.Applicative, Monad)
instance Show (Memoized a) where
show _ = "<<Memoized>>"

-- | Extract a value from a 'Memoized', running an action if no cached value is
-- available.
-- @since
runMemoized :: MonadIO m => Memoized a -> m a
runMemoized (Memoized m) = liftIO m
{-# INLINE runMemoized #-}

-- | Create a new 'Memoized' value using an 'IORef' under the surface. Note that
-- the action may be run in multiple threads simultaneously, so this may not be
-- thread safe (depending on the underlying action). Consider using
-- 'memoizeMVar'.
-- @since
memoizeRef :: IO a -> IO (Memoized a)
memoizeRef action = do
ref <- newIORef Nothing
pure $ Memoized $ do
mres <- readIORef ref
res <-
case mres of
Just res -> pure res
Nothing -> do
res <- try @SomeException action
writeIORef ref $ Just res
pure res
either throwIO pure res
131 changes: 64 additions & 67 deletions src/Codec/Xlsx/Parser/Stream.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ module Codec.Xlsx.Parser.Stream
, AddCellErrors(..)
, CoordinateErrors(..)
, TypeError(..)
, WorkbookError(..)
) where

import qualified "zip" Codec.Archive.Zip as Zip
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -107,6 +108,7 @@ import Data.Traversable (for)
import Data.XML.Types
import GHC.Generics
import Control.DeepSeq
import Codec.Xlsx.Parser.Internal.Memoize

import qualified Codec.Xlsx.Parser.Stream.HexpatInternal as HexpatInternal
import Control.Monad.Base
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -204,9 +206,9 @@ data WorkbookInfo = WorkbookInfo
makeLenses 'WorkbookInfo

data XlsxMState = MkXlsxMState
{ _xs_shared_strings :: IORef (Maybe (V.Vector Text))
, _xs_workbook_info :: IORef (Maybe WorkbookInfo)
, _xs_relationships :: IORef (Maybe Relationships)
{ _xs_shared_strings :: Memoized (V.Vector Text)
, _xs_workbook_info :: Memoized WorkbookInfo
, _xs_relationships :: Memoized Relationships

newtype XlsxM a = XlsxM {_unXlsxM :: ReaderT XlsxMState Zip.ZipArchive a}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -261,61 +263,72 @@ parseSharedStrings = \case

-- | Run a series of actions on an Xlsx file
runXlsxM :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> XlsxM a -> m a
runXlsxM xlsxFile (XlsxM act) = do
env0 <- liftIO $ MkXlsxMState <$>
newIORef Nothing <*> newIORef Nothing <*> newIORef Nothing
Zip.withArchive xlsxFile $ runReaderT act env0
runXlsxM xlsxFile (XlsxM act) = liftIO $ do
-- TODO: don't run the withArchive multiple times but use liftWith or runInIO instead
_xs_workbook_info <- memoizeRef (Zip.withArchive xlsxFile readWorkbookInfo)
_xs_relationships <- memoizeRef (Zip.withArchive xlsxFile readWorkbookRelatinoships)
_xs_shared_strings <- memoizeRef (Zip.withArchive xlsxFile parseSharedStringss)
Zip.withArchive xlsxFile $ runReaderT act $ MkXlsxMState{..}

liftZip :: Zip.ZipArchive a -> XlsxM a
liftZip = XlsxM . ReaderT . const

{-# SCC getOrParseSharedStringss #-}
getOrParseSharedStringss :: XlsxM (V.Vector Text)
getOrParseSharedStringss = do
sharedStringsRef <- asks _xs_shared_strings
mSharedStringss <- liftIO $ readIORef sharedStringsRef
case mSharedStringss of
Just strs -> pure strs
Nothing -> do
sharedStrsSel <- liftZip $ Zip.mkEntrySelector "xl/sharedStrings.xml"
hasSharedStrs <- liftZip $ Zip.doesEntryExist sharedStrsSel
sharedStrs <-
if not hasSharedStrs
parseSharedStringss :: Zip.ZipArchive (V.Vector Text)
parseSharedStringss = do
sharedStrsSel <- Zip.mkEntrySelector "xl/sharedStrings.xml"
hasSharedStrs <- Zip.doesEntryExist sharedStrsSel
if not hasSharedStrs
then pure mempty
else do
let state0 = initialSharedStrings
byteSrc <- liftZip $ Zip.getEntrySource sharedStrsSel
st <- runExpat state0 byteSrc $ \evs -> forM_ evs $ \ev -> do
byteSrc <- Zip.getEntrySource sharedStrsSel
st <- liftIO $ runExpat state0 byteSrc $ \evs -> forM_ evs $ \ev -> do
mTxt <- parseSharedStrings ev
for_ mTxt $ \txt ->
ss_list %= (`DL.snoc` txt)
pure $ V.fromList $ DL.toList $ _ss_list st
liftIO $ writeIORef sharedStringsRef $ Just sharedStrs
pure sharedStrs

{-# SCC getOrParseSharedStringss #-}
getOrParseSharedStringss :: XlsxM (V.Vector Text)
getOrParseSharedStringss = runMemoized =<< asks _xs_shared_strings

readWorkbookInfo :: Zip.ZipArchive WorkbookInfo
readWorkbookInfo = do
sel <- Zip.mkEntrySelector "xl/workbook.xml"
src <- Zip.getEntrySource sel
sheets <- liftIO $ runExpat [] src $ \evs -> forM_ evs $ \case
StartElement ("sheet" :: ByteString) attrs -> do
nm <- lookupBy "name" attrs
sheetId <- lookupBy "sheetId" attrs
rId <- lookupBy "r:id" attrs
sheetNum <- either (throwM . ParseDecimalError sheetId) pure $ eitherDecimal sheetId
modify' (SheetInfo nm (RefId rId) sheetNum :)
_ -> pure ()
pure $ WorkbookInfo sheets

lookupBy :: MonadThrow m => ByteString -> [(ByteString, Text)] -> m Text
lookupBy fields attrs = maybe (throwM $ LookupError attrs fields) pure $ lookup fields attrs

-- | Returns information about the workbook, found in
-- xl/workbook.xml. The result is cached so the XML will only be
-- decompressed and parsed once inside a larger XlsxM action.
getWorkbookInfo :: XlsxM WorkbookInfo
getWorkbookInfo = do
ref <- asks _xs_workbook_info
mInfo <- liftIO $ readIORef ref
case mInfo of
Just info -> pure info
Nothing -> do
sel <- liftZip $ Zip.mkEntrySelector "xl/workbook.xml"
src <- liftZip $ Zip.getEntrySource sel
sheets <- runExpat [] src $ \evs -> forM_ evs $ \case
StartElement ("sheet" :: ByteString) attrs -> do
nm <- maybe (throwM MalformedWorkbook) pure $ lookup ("name" :: ByteString) attrs
sheetId <- maybe (throwM MalformedWorkbook) pure $ lookup "sheetId" attrs
rId <- maybe (throwM MalformedWorkbook) pure $ lookup "r:id" attrs
sheetNum <- either (const $ throwM MalformedWorkbook) pure $ eitherDecimal sheetId
modify' (SheetInfo nm (RefId rId) sheetNum :)
_ -> pure ()
let info = WorkbookInfo sheets
liftIO $ writeIORef ref $ Just info
pure info
getWorkbookInfo = runMemoized =<< asks _xs_workbook_info

readWorkbookRelatinoships :: Zip.ZipArchive Relationships
readWorkbookRelatinoships = do
sel <- Zip.mkEntrySelector "xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels"
src <- Zip.getEntrySource sel
liftIO $ fmap Relationships $ runExpat mempty src $ \evs -> forM_ evs $ \case
StartElement ("Relationship" :: ByteString) attrs -> do
rId <- lookupBy "Id" attrs
rTarget <- lookupBy "Target" attrs
rType <- lookupBy "Type" attrs
modify' $ M.insert (RefId rId) $
Relationship { relType = rType,
relTarget = T.unpack rTarget
_ -> pure ()

-- | Gets relationships for the workbook (this means the filenames in
-- the relationships map are relative to "xl/" base path within the
Expand All @@ -324,26 +337,7 @@ getWorkbookInfo = do
-- The relationships xml file will only be parsed once when called
-- multiple times within a larger XlsxM action.
getWorkbookRelationships :: XlsxM Relationships
getWorkbookRelationships = do
ref <- asks _xs_relationships
mInfo <- liftIO $ readIORef ref
case mInfo of
Just info -> pure info
Nothing -> do
sel <- liftZip $ Zip.mkEntrySelector "xl/_rels/workbook.xml.rels"
src <- liftZip $ Zip.getEntrySource sel
rels <- fmap Relationships $ runExpat mempty src $ \evs -> forM_ evs $ \case
StartElement ("Relationship" :: ByteString) attrs -> do
rId <- maybe (throwM MalformedWorkbook) pure $ lookup ("Id" :: ByteString) attrs
rTarget <- maybe (throwM MalformedWorkbook) pure $ lookup "Target" attrs
rType <- maybe (throwM MalformedWorkbook) pure $ lookup "Type" attrs
modify' $ M.insert (RefId rId) $
Relationship { relType = rType,
relTarget = T.unpack rTarget
_ -> pure ()
liftIO $ writeIORef ref $ Just rels
pure rels
getWorkbookRelationships = runMemoized =<< asks _xs_relationships

type HexpatEvent = SAXEvent ByteString Text

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -392,8 +386,8 @@ runExpat :: forall state tag text.
state ->
ConduitT () ByteString (C.ResourceT IO) () ->
([SAXEvent tag text] -> StateT state IO ()) ->
XlsxM state
runExpat initialState byteSource handler = liftIO $ do
IO state
runExpat initialState byteSource handler = do
-- Set up state
ref <- newIORef initialState
-- Set up parser and callbacks
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -424,7 +418,7 @@ runExpatForSheet ::
(SheetItem -> IO ()) ->
XlsxM ()
runExpatForSheet initState byteSource inner =
void $ runExpat initState byteSource handler
void $ liftIO $ runExpat initState byteSource handler
sheetName = _ps_sheet_index initState
handler evs = forM_ evs $ \ev -> do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -455,6 +449,8 @@ collectItems sheetId = do
newtype SheetIndex = MkSheetIndex Int
deriving newtype NFData

-- | This does *no* checking if the index exists or not.
-- you could have index out of bounds issues because of this.
makeIndex :: Int -> SheetIndex
makeIndex = MkSheetIndex

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -500,7 +496,7 @@ countRowsInSheet (MkSheetIndex sheetId) = do
mSrc :: Maybe (ConduitT () ByteString (C.ResourceT IO) ()) <-
getSheetXmlSource sheetId
for mSrc $ \sourceSheetXml -> do
runExpat @Int @ByteString @ByteString 0 sourceSheetXml $ \evs ->
liftIO $ runExpat @Int @ByteString @ByteString 0 sourceSheetXml $ \evs ->
forM_ evs $ \case
StartElement "row" _ -> modify' (+1)
_ -> pure ()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -591,7 +587,8 @@ data TypeError
deriving Show
deriving anyclass Exception

data WorkbookError = MalformedWorkbook
data WorkbookError = LookupError { lookup_attrs :: [(ByteString, Text)], lookup_field :: ByteString }
| ParseDecimalError Text String
deriving Show
deriving anyclass Exception

Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions xlsx.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ Library
-- We could expose it but then this function is in the xlsx API for a long time.
-- It be better to expose it in the upstream library instead I think. It was copied here so the parser can use it.
Other-modules: Codec.Xlsx.Parser.Stream.HexpatInternal
, Codec.Xlsx.Parser.Internal.Memoize

Build-depends: base >= && < 5.0
, attoparsec
Expand Down

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