- Main File List
proxy_server.cpp Sever side defining services
client.cpp Client side calling services defined by server
cache.h cache header
cache.cpp cache implementation
fifo.cpp FIFO policy implementation
max.cpp Max policy implementation
random.cpp Random policy implementation
run.sh Runs both testcase 1 and 2
run1.sh Runs only testcase1
run2.sh Runs only testcase2
test1 List of url for experiment(task1)
test2 List of url for experiment (task2)
parsing.py Generating test url list
result/ To store result of experiments
- To Compile
This will generate files :
- proxy_server
- proxy_client
- To Run Experiment
Experiemnts should run only when Server is running
./run.sh FILE_NAME // Runs both test1 and test2
./run1.sh FILE_NAME // Runs only test1
./run2.sh FILE_NAME // Runs only test2
file name to store experiment result in /result dir (execution time, cache hit count)
These expeiment scripts will let the Client to pass test urls to Server, and receive the result of experiment back.
- To Run Server
Usage : proxy_server [options]
-h For available options or help
-size <num> Cache size, 2**<num> bytes (Default: 20 for 1MB)
-policy <num> Replacement policy (Default: 0):
0: no cache
1: random
2: fifo
3: max size
./proxy_server -h
./proxy_server -size 21 -policy 2
- To Run Client
Usage : proxy_client TEST_FILE
We have two test files, test1 and test2.
Example : ./proxy_client test1