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…nd/terraform-azurerm-linux-vm into feature/source_resource_id
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Esteban Valverde authored and Esteban Valverde committed Aug 20, 2024
2 parents ec70e24 + 5367b7c commit 11a6ba3
Showing 1 changed file with 1 addition and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
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Expand Up @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ resource "azurerm_subnet" "this" {
| <a name="input_virtual_machine_config"></a> [virtual\_machine\_config](#input\_virtual\_machine\_config) | <pre>hostname: Name of system hostname.<br> size: The size of the vm. Possible values can be seen here:<br> location: The location of the virtual machine.<br> os_sku: (Required) The os that will be running on the vm.<br> os_offer: (Required) Specifies the offer of the image used to create the virtual machines. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.<br> os_version: (Required) Optionally specify an os version for the chosen sku.<br> os_publisher: (Required) Specifies the Publisher of the Marketplace Image this Virtual Machine should be created from. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.<br> os_disk_caching: Optionally change the caching option of the os disk. Defaults to ReadWrite.<br> os_disk_size_gb: Optionally change the size of the os disk. Defaults to be specified by image.<br> os_disk_storage_type: Optionally change the os_disk_storage_type. Defaults to StandardSSD_LRS.<br> zone: Optionally specify an availibility zone for the vm. Values 1, 2 or 3.<br> availability_set_id: Optionally specify an availibility set for the vm. Not compatible with zone.<br> os_disk_write_accelerator_enabled: Optionally activate write accelaration for the os disk. Can only<br> be activated on Premium disks and caching deactivated. Defaults to false.<br> proximity_placement_group_id: (Optional) The ID of the Proximity Placement Group which the Virtual Machine should be assigned to.<br> severity_group: (Required) Sets tag 'Severity Group Monthly' to a specific time and date when an update will be done automatically.<br> update_allowed: Sets tag 'Update allowed' to yes or no to specify if this VM should currently receive updates.</pre> | <pre>object({<br> hostname = string<br> size = string<br> location = string<br> os_sku = string<br> os_offer = string<br> os_version = string<br> os_publisher = string<br> os_disk_caching = optional(string, "ReadWrite")<br> os_disk_size_gb = optional(number)<br> os_disk_storage_type = optional(string, "Premium_LRS")<br> os_disk_write_accelerator_enabled = optional(bool, false)<br> zone = optional(number)<br> availability_set_id = optional(string)<br> proximity_placement_group_id = optional(string)<br> severity_group = string<br> update_allowed = optional(bool, true)<br> })</pre> | n/a | yes |
| <a name="input_additional_network_interface_ids"></a> [additional\_network\_interface\_ids](#input\_additional\_network\_interface\_ids) | List of ids for additional azurerm\_network\_interface. | `list(string)` | `[]` | no |
| <a name="input_admin_username"></a> [admin\_username](#input\_admin\_username) | Optionally choose the admin\_username of the vm. Defaults to loc\_sysadmin. | `string` | `"loc_sysadmin"` | no |
| <a name="input_data_disks"></a> [data\_disks](#input\_data\_disks) | <pre><logical name of the data disk> = {<br> lun: Number of the lun.<br> disk_size_gb: The size of the data disk.<br> storage_account_type: Optionally change the storage_account_type. Defaults to StandardSSD_LRS.<br> caching: Optionally activate disk caching. Defaults to None.<br> create_option: Optionally change the create option. Defaults to Empty disk.<br> source_resource_id: (Optional) The ID of an existing Managed Disk or Snapshot to copy when create_option is Copy or<br> the recovery point to restore when create_option is Restore. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.<br> write_accelerator_enabled: Optionally activate write accelaration for the data disk. Can only<br> be activated on Premium disks and caching deactivated. Defaults to false.<br> on_demand_bursting_enabled: Optionally activate disk bursting. Only for Premium disk. Default false.<br> }</pre> | <pre>map(object({<br> lun = number<br> disk_size_gb = number<br> caching = optional(string, "ReadWrite")<br> create_option = optional(string, "Empty")<br> source_resource_id = optional(string)<br> storage_account_type = optional(string, "Premium_LRS")<br> write_accelerator_enabled = optional(bool, false)<br> on_demand_bursting_enabled = optional(bool, false)<br> }))</pre> | `{}` | no |
| <a name="input_data_disks"></a> [data\_disks](#input\_data\_disks) | <pre><logical name of the data disk> = {<br> lun: Number of the lun.<br> disk_size_gb: The size of the data disk.<br> storage_account_type: Optionally change the storage_account_type. Defaults to StandardSSD_LRS.<br> caching: Optionally activate disk caching. Defaults to None.<br> create_option: Optionally change the create option. Defaults to Empty disk.<br> source_resource_id: (Optional) The ID of an existing Managed Disk or Snapshot to copy when create_option is Copy or<br> the recovery point to restore when create_option is Restore. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.<br> write_accelerator_enabled: Optionally activate write accelaration for the data disk. Can only<br> be activated on Premium disks and caching deactivated. Defaults to false.<br> on_demand_bursting_enabled: Optionally activate disk bursting. Only for Premium disk. Default false.<br> }</pre> | <pre>map(object({<br> lun = number<br> disk_size_gb = number<br> caching = optional(string, "ReadWrite")<br> create_option = optional(string, "Empty")<br> source_resource_id = optional(string)<br> storage_account_type = optional(string, "Premium_LRS")<br> write_accelerator_enabled = optional(bool, false)<br> on_demand_bursting_enabled = optional(bool, false)<br> }))</pre> | `{}` | no |
| <a name="input_name_overrides"></a> [name\_overrides](#input\_name\_overrides) | Possibility to override names that will be generated according to q.beyond naming convention. | <pre>object({<br> nic = optional(string)<br> nic_ip_config = optional(string)<br> public_ip = optional(string)<br> virtual_machine = optional(string)<br> os_disk = optional(string)<br> data_disks = optional(map(string), {})<br> })</pre> | `{}` | no |
| <a name="input_nic_config"></a> [nic\_config](#input\_nic\_config) | <pre>private_ip: Optioanlly specify a private ip to use. Otherwise it will be allocated dynamically.<br> dns_servers: Optionally specify a list of dns servers for the nic.<br> enable_accelerated_networking: Enabled Accelerated networking (SR-IOV) on the NIC. The machine SKU must support this feature.<br> nsg: Although it is discouraged you can optionally assign an NSG to the NIC. Optionally specify a NSG object.</pre> | <pre>object({<br> private_ip = optional(string)<br> dns_servers = optional(list(string))<br> enable_accelerated_networking = optional(bool, false)<br> nsg = optional(object({<br> id = string<br> }))<br> })</pre> | `{}` | no |
| <a name="input_public_ip_config"></a> [public\_ip\_config](#input\_public\_ip\_config) | <pre>allocation_method: The allocation method of the public ip that will be created. Defaults to static.<br> stage: The stage of this PIP. Ex: prd, dev, tst, ...</pre> | <pre>object({<br> allocation_method = optional(string, "Static")<br> stage = string<br> })</pre> | `null` | no |
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