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pythonuser200 authored Nov 14, 2017
1 parent 5eed6f9 commit c8665d1
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Showing 12 changed files with 6,123 additions and 2 deletions.
135 changes: 135 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
import scipy
import gzip,cPickle
import correlation
import os,pdb,glob
import theano
import skimage
import sklearn
import PIL.Image
import pylab

import scipy.ndimage as ndi
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as cm
import matplotlib.font_manager as font_manager

from sklearn import preprocessing, cross_validation
from sklearn.feature_extraction import image
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from scipy import io as sp_io
from numpy.random import RandomState
from theano import tensor as T
from scipy import misc
from PIL import Image, ImageEnhance
from pylab import *
from theano.tensor.nnet import conv
from scipy.misc import lena
from itertools import product

# Generating fully overlapping patches #

def overlapping_patches(path, patch_size):

Ols_images = (path).convert('L')
height, width = np.asarray(Ols_images).shape

if height < 512:
Ols_images = Ols_images.resize((512, 512), Image.BICUBIC)
print '... image resized to 512,512'
elif height > 512:
Ols_images = Ols_images.resize((512, 512), Image.ANTIALIAS)
print '... image resized to 512,512'

Ols_images = np.asarray(Ols_images,dtype = 'float')
Ols_images = correlation.normalizeArray(np.asarray(Ols_images))

image_height = np.asarray(Ols_images).shape[0]
image_width = np.asarray(Ols_images).shape[1]

Ols_patche = image.extract_patches_2d(image=Ols_images, patch_size=patch_size,max_patches=None)
Ols_patches = np.reshape(Ols_patche,(Ols_patche.shape[0], -1))
n_patches, nvis = Ols_patches.shape
rval = (Ols_patches, image_height, image_width)
return rval

# Generating overlapping patches with strides #

def overlapping_patches_strides(path, patch_size, strides):

Ols_images = (path).convert('L')
height, width = np.asarray(Ols_images).shape

'''if height < 512:
Ols_images = Ols_images.resize((512, 512), Image.BICUBIC)
print '... image resized to 512,512'
elif height > 512:
Ols_images = Ols_images.resize((512, 512), Image.ANTIALIAS)
print '... image resized to 512,512'

#nrow = 512
#ncol = 512 #767 #768 for 28x281 767 for 17x17

# ROC Pic
nrow = height*1
ncol = width*1

#print ' ... Initial image dimensions: ', nrow, ncol

Up = (nrow-patch_size[0]-strides[0])/strides[0]
Vp = (ncol-patch_size[1]-strides[1])/strides[1]

#print ' ... Initial patches: ', '%.2f'%(Up), '%.2f'%(Vp)

Up = np.floor((nrow-patch_size[0]-strides[0])/strides[0])
Vp = np.floor((ncol-patch_size[1]-strides[1])/strides[1])

#print ' ... Generated patches: ', '%.2f'%(Up), '%.2f'%(Vp)

nrow =*strides[0] + strides[0] + patch_size[0])
ncol =*strides[1] + strides[1] + patch_size[1])

#print ' ... Resized image dimensions: ', nrow, ncol

Ols_images = Ols_images.resize((ncol, nrow), Image.BICUBIC)

Ols_images = np.asarray(Ols_images,dtype = 'float')
Ols_images = correlation.normalizeArray(np.asarray(Ols_images))
U = (nrow-patch_size[0]-strides[0])/strides[0]
V = (ncol-patch_size[1]-strides[1])/strides[1]

image_height = np.asarray(Ols_images).shape[0]
image_width = np.asarray(Ols_images).shape[1]

Ols_patche = image.extract_patches(Ols_images, patch_shape=patch_size, extraction_step=strides)
Ols_patches = np.reshape(Ols_patche,(Ols_patche.shape[0]*Ols_patche.shape[1], -1))

n_patches, nvis = Ols_patches.shape
rval = (Ols_patches, image_height, image_width)
return rval

# Reconstructing pathes with strides #

def reconstruct_from_patches_with_strides_2d(patches, image_size, strides):

i_stride = strides[0]
j_stride = strides[1]
i_h, i_w = image_size[:2]
p_h, p_w = patches.shape[1:3]
img = np.zeros(image_size)
img1 = np.zeros(image_size)
n_h = int((i_h - p_h + i_stride)/i_stride)
n_w = int((i_w - p_w + j_stride)/j_stride)
for p, (i, j) in zip(patches, product(range(n_h), range(n_w))):
img[i*i_stride:i*i_stride + p_h, j*j_stride:j*j_stride + p_w] +=p
img1[i*i_stride:i*i_stride + p_h, j*j_stride:j*j_stride + p_w] +=np.ones(p.shape)
return img/img1

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# LLNet
A low light image enhancement with deep learning
# LLNet: Low-light Image Enhancement with Deep Learning #

This repository includes the codes and modules used for running LLNet via a Graphical User Interface. Users can choose to train the network from scratch, or to enhance multiple images using a specific trained model.

NOTE: Trained model 17x17 is included in this repo.

## How do I run the program? ##

Open the terminal and navigate to this directory. Type:


to launch the program with GUI. For command-line only interface, you type the following command in the terminal.

To train a new model, enter:

python train [TRAINING_DATA]

To enhance an image, enter:


For example, you may type:

python train datafolder/yourdataset.mat
python test somefolder/darkpicture.png models/save_model.obj

where file names do not need to be in quotes.

Datasets need to be saved as .MAT file with the '-v7.3' tag in MATLAB. The saved variables are:

train_set_x (N x wh) Noisy, darkened training data
train_set_y (N x wh) Clean, bright training data
valid_set_x (N x wh) Noisy, darkened validation data
valid_set_y (N x wh) Clean, bright validation data
test_set_x (N x wh) Noisy, darkened test data
test_set_y (N x wh) Clean, bright test data

Where N is the number of examples and w, h are the width and height of the patches, respectively. Test data are mostly used to plot the test patches; in actual applications we are interested to enhance a single image. Use the test command instead.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
from easygui import *
__all__ = easygui.__all__
154 changes: 154 additions & 0 deletions
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Compute the correlation between two, single-channel, grayscale input images.
The second image must be smaller than the first.
Author: Brad Montgomery
This code has been placed in the public domain by the author.
USAGE: python correlation <image file> <match file>
#import Image
import numpy
import math
import sys
import timeit

def normalizeArray(a):
Normalize the given array to values between 0 and 1.
Return a numpy array of floats (of the same shape as given)
w,h = a.shape
minval = a.min()
if minval < 0: # shift to positive...
a = a + abs(minval)
maxval = a.max() # THEN, get max value!
new_a = numpy.zeros(a.shape, 'd')
for x in range(0,w):
for y in range(0,h):
new_a[x,y] = float(a[x,y])/maxval
return new_a

def pil2array(im):
""" Convert a 1-channel grayscale PIL image to a numpy ndarray """
data = list(im.getdata())
w,h = im.size
A = numpy.zeros((w*h), 'd')
for val in data:
A[i] = val
return A

def array2pil(A,mode='L'):
Convert a numpy ndarray to a PIL image.
Only grayscale images (PIL mode 'L') are supported.
w,h = A.shape
# make sure the array only contains values from 0-255
# if not... fix them.
if A.max() > 255 or A.min() < 0:
A = normalizeArray(A) # normalize between 0-1
A = A * 255 # shift values to range 0-255
if A.min() >= 0.0 and A.max() <= 1.0: # values are already between 0-1
A = A * 255 # shift values to range 0-255
A = A.flatten()
data = []
for val in A:
if val is numpy.nan: val = 0
data.append(int(val)) # make sure they're all int's
im =, (w,h))
return im

def correlation(input, match):
Calculate the correlation coefficients between the given pixel arrays.
input - an input (numpy) matrix representing an image
match - the (numpy) matrix representing the image for which we are looking
t = timeit.Timer()
assert match.shape < input.shape, "Match Template must be Smaller than the input"
c = numpy.zeros(input.shape) # store the coefficients...
mfmean = match.mean()
iw, ih = input.shape # get input image width and height
mw, mh = match.shape # get match image width and height

print "Computing Correleation Coefficients..."
start_time = t.timer()

for i in range(0, iw):
for j in range(0, ih):

# find the left, right, top
# and bottom of the sub-image
if i-mw/2 <= 0:
left = 0
elif iw - i < mw:
left = iw - mw
left = i

right = left + mw

if j - mh/2 <= 0:
top = 0
elif ih - j < mh:
top = ih - mh
top = j

bottom = top + mh

# take a slice of the input image as a sub image
sub = input[left:right, top:bottom]
assert sub.shape == match.shape, "SubImages must be same size!"
localmean = sub.mean()
temp = (sub - localmean) * (match - mfmean)
s1 = temp.sum()
temp = (sub - localmean) * (sub - localmean)
s2 = temp.sum()
temp = (match - mfmean) * (match - mfmean)
s3 = temp.sum()
denom = s2*s3
if denom == 0:
temp = 0
temp = s1 / math.sqrt(denom)

c[i,j] = temp

end_time = t.timer()
print "=> Correlation computed in: ", end_time - start_time
print '\tMax: ', c.max()
print '\tMin: ', c.min()
print '\tMean: ', c.mean()
return c

def main(f1, f2, output_file="CORRELATION.jpg"):
""" open the image files, and compute their correlation """
im1 = f1.convert('L')
im2 = f2.convert('L')
# Better way to do PIL-Numpy conversion
f = numpy.asarray(im1) # was f = pil2array(im1)
w = numpy.asarray(im2) # was w = pil2array(im2)
corr = correlation(f,w) # was c = array2pil(correlation(f,w))
c = Image.fromarray(numpy.uint8(normalizeArray(corr) * 255))

print "Saving as: %s" % output_file

if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) == 3:
main(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])
print 'USAGE: python correlation <image file> <match file>'


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