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eric-wieser committed Jan 8, 2023
1 parent 0610866 commit 3de572f
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Showing 10 changed files with 50 additions and 304 deletions.
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ Of particular interest are:
* [`clifford_algebra_complex.equiv`]( the complex numbers have an isomorphic clifford algebra.
* [`clifford_algebra_quaternion.equiv`]( the quaternion numbers have an isomorphic clifford algebra.
* [`clifford_algebra.as_exterior`]( the exterior algebra has an isomorphic clifford algebra
* [`clifford_algebra.equiv_even`]( every clifford algebra is isomorphic to the even subalgera of a larger algebra
* [`exterior_algebra`](
* [`alternating_map`](
* Translations of other formalizations:
Expand All @@ -42,6 +41,11 @@ This repository has been updated to contain some of the examples in the paper _"
In turn, that paper contains permalinks that lead back to commits within this repository.
Many of the examples in that paper have since graduated to mathlib and are no longer in this repository.

The main results from that work are:

* [`clifford_algebra.equiv_even`]( every clifford algebra is isomorphic to the even subalgebra of a larger algebra.
* [`clifford_algebra.equiv_exterior`]( every clifford algebra over a ring of characteristic not two is isomorphic as a module to the exterior algebra.


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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions leanpkg.toml
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@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
name = "lean-ga"
version = "0.1"
lean_version = "leanprover-community/lean:3.47.0"
lean_version = "leanprover-community/lean:3.48.0"
path = "src"

mathlib = {git = "", rev = "371b4143b0298311cf76de600deb109816645e0f"}
mathlib = {git = "", rev = "f86ad885a0d049288b9e2742b8d55f363ebc3756"}
17 changes: 12 additions & 5 deletions src/for_mathlib/algebra/center_submonoid.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,12 +27,19 @@ instance : set_like (center_submonoid R A) A :=
{ coe := center_submonoid.carrier,
coe_injective' := λ x y h, by { cases x, cases y, congr' } }

instance : submonoid_class (center_submonoid R A) A :=
{ one_mem := λ S, S.to_submonoid.one_mem,
mul_mem := λ S _ _, S.to_submonoid.mul_mem, }

instance : nonempty S.to_sub_mul_action := ⟨⟨1, S.to_submonoid.one_mem⟩⟩

instance : zero_mem_class (center_submonoid R A) A :=
{ zero_mem := λ S, S.to_sub_mul_action.zero_mem ⟨1, S.to_submonoid.one_mem⟩, }

lemma smul_mem (r : R) {a : A} : a ∈ S → r • a ∈ S := S.to_sub_mul_action.smul_mem r
lemma mul_mem {a b : A} : a ∈ S → b ∈ S → a * b ∈ S := S.to_submonoid.mul_mem
lemma one_mem : (1 : A) ∈ S := S.to_submonoid.one_mem
lemma zero_mem : (0 : A) ∈ S := S.to_sub_mul_action.zero_mem ⟨1, S.one_mem⟩
protected lemma mul_mem {a b : A} : a ∈ S → b ∈ S → a * b ∈ S := S.to_submonoid.mul_mem
protected lemma one_mem : (1 : A) ∈ S := S.to_submonoid.one_mem
protected lemma zero_mem : (0 : A) ∈ S := S.to_sub_mul_action.zero_mem ⟨1, S.one_mem⟩

@[simp] lemma algebra_map_mem (r : R) : algebra_map R A r ∈ S :=
by { rw algebra_map_eq_smul_one r, exact S.smul_mem r S.one_mem, }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -65,8 +72,8 @@ instance : monoid_with_zero S :=
instance [nontrivial A] : nontrivial S :=
nontrivial_of_ne 0 1 (subtype.ne_of_val_ne zero_ne_one)

@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_zero : ((0 : S) : A) = 0 := rfl
@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_smul (k : R) (v : S) : (↑(k • v) : A) = k • v := rfl
@[simp, norm_cast] protected lemma coe_zero : ((0 : S) : A) = 0 := rfl
@[simp, norm_cast] protected lemma coe_smul (k : R) (v : S) : (↑(k • v) : A) = k • v := rfl

end semiring

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16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions src/for_mathlib/analysis/inner_product_space/basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Eric Wieser. All rights reserved.
Released under MIT license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Eric Wieser
import analysis.inner_product_space.basic
import linear_algebra.bilinear_form

/-- The real inner product as a bilinear form. -/
noncomputable def bilin_form_of_real_inner {F : Type*} [inner_product_space ℝ F] : bilin_form ℝ F :=
{ bilin := inner,
bilin_add_left := λ x y z, inner_add_left,
bilin_smul_left := λ a x y, inner_smul_left,
bilin_add_right := λ x y z, inner_add_right,
bilin_smul_right := λ a x y, inner_smul_right }
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/geometric_algebra/from_mathlib/concrete/cga.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import linear_algebra.clifford_algebra
import analysis.inner_product_space.basic
import for_mathlib.analysis.inner_product_space.basic
import geometric_algebra.from_mathlib.basic
# Conformal Geometric algebra
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/geometric_algebra/from_mathlib/concrete/pga.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import linear_algebra.clifford_algebra
import data.matrix.notation
import data.real.basic
import analysis.inner_product_space.basic
import for_mathlib.analysis.inner_product_space.basic
# Plane-based Geometric algebra
Expand Down
209 changes: 11 additions & 198 deletions src/geometric_algebra/from_mathlib/contract.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,13 +7,15 @@ Authors: Eric Wieser
import geometric_algebra.from_mathlib.fold
import linear_algebra.clifford_algebra.grading
import linear_algebra.clifford_algebra.conjugation
import linear_algebra.clifford_algebra.contraction
import linear_algebra.exterior_algebra.basic

# Contraction in Clifford Algebras
This is in the process of being upstreamed into mathlib at
Most of the results are now
[upstream in `linear_algebra.clifford_algebra.contraction`](
as of

universes u1 u2 u3
Expand All @@ -24,217 +26,28 @@ variables (Q : quadratic_form R M)

namespace clifford_algebra

section apply_dual_left

variables (d d' : module.dual R M)

/-- Auxiliary construction for `clifford_algebra.apply_dual_left` -/
def apply_dual_left_aux (d : module.dual R M) :
M →ₗ[R] clifford_algebra Q × clifford_algebra Q →ₗ[R] clifford_algebra Q :=
have v_mul := (algebra.lmul R (clifford_algebra Q)).to_linear_map ∘ₗ (ι Q),
exact d.smul_right (linear_map.fst _ (clifford_algebra Q) (clifford_algebra Q)) -
v_mul.compl₂ (linear_map.snd _ (clifford_algebra Q) _),

lemma apply_dual_left_aux_apply_dual_left_aux (v : M) (x : clifford_algebra Q)
(fx : clifford_algebra Q) :
apply_dual_left_aux Q d v (ι Q v * x, apply_dual_left_aux Q d v (x, fx)) = Q v • fx :=
simp only [apply_dual_left_aux_apply_apply],
rw [mul_sub, ←mul_assoc, ι_sq_scalar, ←algebra.smul_def, ←sub_add, mul_smul_comm, sub_self,

variables {Q}

/-- Contract an element of the exterior algebra with an element `B : module.dual R M` from the left.
Note that `v ⌋ x` is spelt `apply_dual_left (Q.associated v) x`.
This includes [darij][] Theorem 10.75 -/
def apply_dual_left : module.dual R M →ₗ[R] clifford_algebra Q →ₗ[R] clifford_algebra Q :=
{ to_fun := λ d, foldr' Q (apply_dual_left_aux Q d) (apply_dual_left_aux_apply_dual_left_aux Q d) 0,
map_add' := λ d₁ d₂, linear_map.ext $ λ x, begin
rw linear_map.add_apply,
apply clifford_algebra.foldr_induction _ (λ r, _) (λ x y hx hy, _) (λ m x hx, _) x,
{ simp_rw [foldr'_algebra_map, smul_zero, zero_add] },
{ rw [map_add, map_add, map_add, add_add_add_comm, hx, hy] },
{ rw [foldr'_ι_mul, foldr'_ι_mul, foldr'_ι_mul, hx],
dsimp only [apply_dual_left_aux_apply_apply],
rw [sub_add_sub_comm, mul_add, linear_map.add_apply, add_smul] }
map_smul' := λ c d, linear_map.ext $ λ x, begin
rw [linear_map.smul_apply, ring_hom.id_apply],
apply clifford_algebra.foldr_induction _ (λ r, _) (λ x y hx hy, _) (λ m x hx, _) x,
{ simp_rw [foldr'_algebra_map, smul_zero] },
{ rw [map_add, map_add, smul_add, hx, hy] },
{ rw [foldr'_ι_mul, foldr'_ι_mul, hx],
dsimp only [apply_dual_left_aux_apply_apply],
rw [linear_map.smul_apply, smul_assoc, mul_smul_comm, smul_sub], }
end }

local infix `⌋`:70 := apply_dual_left

/-- This is [darij][] Theorem 6 -/
lemma apply_dual_left_ι_mul (a : M) (b : clifford_algebra Q) :
d ⌋ (ι Q a * b) = d a • b - ι Q a * (d ⌋ b) :=
foldr'_ι_mul _ _ _ _ _ _

variables (Q)

@[simp] lemma apply_dual_left_ι (x : M) : d ⌋ (ι Q x) = algebra_map R _ (d x) :=
(foldr'_ι _ _ _ _ _).trans $
by simp_rw [apply_dual_left_aux_apply_apply, mul_zero, sub_zero, algebra.algebra_map_eq_smul_one]

@[simp] lemma apply_dual_left_algebra_map (r : R) :
d ⌋ (algebra_map R (clifford_algebra Q) r) = 0 :=
(foldr'_algebra_map _ _ _ _ _).trans $ smul_zero _

@[simp] lemma apply_dual_left_one : d ⌋ (1 : clifford_algebra Q) = 0 :=
by simpa only [map_one] using apply_dual_left_algebra_map Q d 1

variables {Q}

/-- This is [darij][] Theorem 7 -/
lemma apply_dual_left_apply_dual_left (x : clifford_algebra Q) :
d ⌋ (d ⌋ x) = 0 :=
apply clifford_algebra.foldr_induction _ (λ r, _) (λ x y hx hy, _) (λ m x hx, _) x,
{ simp_rw [apply_dual_left_algebra_map, map_zero] },
{ rw [map_add, map_add, hx, hy, add_zero] },
{ rw [apply_dual_left_ι_mul, map_sub, apply_dual_left_ι_mul, hx, linear_map.map_smul, mul_zero,
sub_zero, sub_self], }

/-- This is [darij][] Theorem 8 -/
lemma apply_dual_left_comm (x : clifford_algebra Q) : d ⌋ (d' ⌋ x) = -(d' ⌋ (d ⌋ x)) :=
apply clifford_algebra.foldr_induction _ (λ r, _) (λ x y hx hy, _) (λ m x hx, _) x,
{ simp_rw [apply_dual_left_algebra_map, map_zero, neg_zero] },
{ rw [map_add, map_add, map_add, map_add, hx, hy, neg_add] },
{ simp only [apply_dual_left_ι_mul, map_sub, linear_map.map_smul],
rw [neg_sub, sub_sub_eq_add_sub, hx, mul_neg, ←sub_eq_add_neg] }

end apply_dual_left

local infix `⌋`:70 := apply_dual_left

/-- Auxiliary construction for `clifford_algebra.alpha` -/
def alpha_aux (B : bilin_form R M) : M →ₗ[R] clifford_algebra Q →ₗ[R] clifford_algebra Q :=
have v_mul := (algebra.lmul R (clifford_algebra Q)).to_linear_map ∘ₗ ι Q,
exact v_mul - (apply_dual_left ∘ₗ B.to_lin) ,

lemma alpha_aux_alpha_aux (B : bilin_form R M) (v : M) (x : clifford_algebra Q) :
alpha_aux Q B v (alpha_aux Q B v x) = (Q v - B v v) • x :=
simp only [alpha_aux_apply_apply],
rw [mul_sub, ←mul_assoc, ι_sq_scalar, map_sub, apply_dual_left_ι_mul, ←sub_add, sub_sub_sub_comm,
←algebra.smul_def, bilin_form.to_lin_apply, sub_self, sub_zero, apply_dual_left_apply_dual_left, add_zero,
local infix `⌋`:70 := contract_left

variables {Q}

variables {Q' Q'' : quadratic_form R M} {B B' : bilin_form R M}
variables (h : B.to_quadratic_form = Q' - Q) (h' : B'.to_quadratic_form = Q'' - Q')

/-- Convert between two algebras of different quadratic form -/
def alpha (h : B.to_quadratic_form = Q' - Q) :
clifford_algebra Q →ₗ[R] clifford_algebra Q' :=
foldr Q (alpha_aux Q' B) (λ m x, (alpha_aux_alpha_aux Q' B m x).trans $
dsimp [←bilin_form.to_quadratic_form_apply],
rw [h, quadratic_form.sub_apply, sub_sub_cancel],
end) 1

lemma alpha_algebra_map (r : R) : alpha h (algebra_map R _ r) = algebra_map R _ r :=
(foldr_algebra_map _ _ _ _ _).trans $ eq.symm $ algebra.algebra_map_eq_smul_one r

lemma alpha_ι (m : M) : alpha h (ι _ m) = ι _ m :=
(foldr_ι _ _ _ _ _).trans $ eq.symm $
by rw [alpha_aux_apply_apply, mul_one, apply_dual_left_one, sub_zero]

lemma alpha_ι_mul (m : M) (x : clifford_algebra Q) :
alpha h (ι _ m * x) = ι _ m * alpha h x - bilin_form.to_lin B m ⌋ alpha h x :=
(foldr_mul _ _ _ _ _ _).trans $ begin rw foldr_ι, refl, end

/-- Theorem 23 -/
lemma alpha_apply_dual_left (d : module.dual R M) (x : clifford_algebra Q) :
alpha h (d ⌋ x) = d ⌋ alpha h x :=
apply clifford_algebra.foldr_induction _ (λ r, _) (λ x y hx hy, _) (λ m x hx, _) x,
{ simp only [apply_dual_left_algebra_map, alpha_algebra_map, map_zero] },
{ rw [map_add, map_add, map_add, map_add, hx, hy] },
{ simp only [apply_dual_left_ι_mul, alpha_ι_mul, map_sub, linear_map.map_smul],
rw [←hx, apply_dual_left_comm, ←sub_add, sub_neg_eq_add, ←hx] }

/-- Theorem 24 -/
lemma alpha_reverse (d : module.dual R M) (x : clifford_algebra Q) :
alpha h (reverse x) = reverse (alpha h x) :=
lemma change_form_reverse (d : module.dual R M) (x : clifford_algebra Q) :
change_form h (reverse x) = reverse (change_form h x) :=
apply clifford_algebra.foldr_induction _ (λ r, _) (λ x y hx hy, _) (λ m x hx, _) x,
{ simp_rw [alpha_algebra_map, reverse.commutes, alpha_algebra_map] },
apply clifford_algebra.left_induction _ (λ r, _) (λ x y hx hy, _) (λ x m hx, _) x,
{ simp_rw [change_form_algebra_map, reverse.commutes, change_form_algebra_map] },
{ rw [map_add, map_add, map_add, map_add, hx, hy] },
{ simp_rw [reverse.map_mul, alpha_ι_mul, map_sub, reverse.map_mul, reverse_ι],
{ simp_rw [reverse.map_mul, change_form_ι_mul, map_sub, reverse.map_mul, reverse_ι],
rw ←hx,
rw ←alpha_apply_dual_left,
rw ←change_form_contract_left,
sorry }

lemma alpha_zero (x : clifford_algebra Q)
(h : (0 : bilin_form R M).to_quadratic_form = Q - Q := (sub_self _).symm) :
alpha h x = x :=
apply clifford_algebra.foldr_induction _ (λ r, _) (λ x y hx hy, _) (λ m x hx, _) x,
{ simp_rw [alpha_algebra_map] },
{ rw [map_add, hx, hy] },
{ rw [alpha_ι_mul, hx, map_zero, linear_map.zero_apply, map_zero, linear_map.zero_apply,
sub_zero] }

lemma alpha_alpha (x : clifford_algebra Q) :
alpha h' (alpha h x) = alpha (
show (B + B').to_quadratic_form = _,
from (congr_arg2 (+) h h').trans $ sub_add_sub_cancel' _ _ _) x :=
apply clifford_algebra.foldr_induction _ (λ r, _) (λ x y hx hy, _) (λ m x hx, _) x,
{ simp_rw [alpha_algebra_map] },
{ rw [map_add, map_add, map_add, hx, hy] },
{ rw [alpha_ι_mul, map_sub, alpha_ι_mul, alpha_ι_mul, hx, sub_sub, map_add, linear_map.add_apply,
map_add, linear_map.add_apply, alpha_apply_dual_left, hx, add_comm (_ : clifford_algebra Q'')] }


/-- Any two algebras whose quadratic forms differ by a bilinear form are isomorphic as modules. -/
@[simps apply]
def alpha_equiv : clifford_algebra Q ≃ₗ[R] clifford_algebra Q' :=
{ to_fun := alpha h,
inv_fun := alpha (show (-B).to_quadratic_form = Q - Q',
from (congr_arg has_neg.neg h).trans $ neg_sub _ _ : (-B).to_quadratic_form = Q - Q'),
left_inv := λ x, (alpha_alpha _ _ x).trans $ by simp_rw [add_right_neg, alpha_zero],
right_inv := λ x, (alpha_alpha _ _ x).trans $ by simp_rw [add_left_neg, alpha_zero],
..alpha h }

@[simp] lemma bilin_form.to_quadratic_form_neg (B : bilin_form R M) :
(-B).to_quadratic_form = -B.to_quadratic_form := rfl

variables (Q)

/-- The module isomorphism to the exterior algebra -/
def equiv_exterior [invertible (2 : R)] : clifford_algebra Q ≃ₗ[R] exterior_algebra R M :=
alpha_equiv $
show (-Q).associated.to_quadratic_form = 0 - Q,
by simp [quadratic_form.to_quadratic_form_associated]

variables {Q}

/-- The wedge product of the clifford algebra. -/
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