go install github.com/pyanfield/goblog
安装之后,运行goblog,在不输入任何参数的情况下,会默认 $GOPATH/src 下创建一个 goblog_workspace
的文件夹,及四个子文件夹 blogs
其中的blogs里用来存放 markdown文件,在 templates里放入一些模板文件, 在通过转换之后,所有的 blogs里面的md文件都会转化成 html文件保存在 public里,这里就是我们最后需要的静态页面。
在这个项目中没有自己对 Markdown 文件进行解析处理,而是引入了 russross/blackfriday 这个开源项目来解析 md 文件。本项目主要实现了文件的索引, template 渲染等。
A static blog generator implemented in Go. This all started when looking for a static blog tool. I asked around in my local Linux user group and one of them joked you could write your own over a weekend. Mission accomplished.
You'll want go installed on your system, then you just need to
go install github.com/icub3d/goblog
This will install the binary goblog into $GOPATH/bin. Alternativel, you can download the source and do it yourself. See if I care.
All directory locations are congurable, but it is generally considered wise to have a single place for your blog.
$ ls
blogs public static templates
The blogs directory contains all of your blog entries. Each file within that directory or any sub-directory that ends in .md will be processed as a blog entry. Goblog uses markdown (like github), so feel free to mark down your blog.
The public directory is where your generated code will go. You'll want to point your web server to that location.
The static directory contains static assets like CSS, JavaScript, images, etc that your blog needs to function.
The templates directory contains a list of html templates to use when generating the site. Each of the templates use go's templating system to display specific values. You can see my own blog for an example.
A site.html template is the template for every page. A archive.html template is used for printing a list of all your blog entries. A about.html template is used for displaying information about yourself. A entries.html template is used to display multiple blog entries on the index.html page. A entry.html template renders a single blog entry. A tags.html template renders all of the blog tags into a page.