- Upload the contents of the folder named commerce_paytm into ../sites/all/modules/
- Enable the module at ../admin/build/modules
- Open ../sites/all/modules/commerce_paytm/posttopaytm.php then enter
- Your secret key in the file.
- Enable Paytm as a payment method
- Enter your Paytm Merchant id and Secret key
- Set the Paytm payment mode to either one of the following:
- Live(Value = 1)
- Test(Value = 0)
- Save the changes.
The plugin has the following files.
- commerce_paytm.info
- commerce_paytm.module
- posttopaytm.php
- checksum.php
These are simple PHP files with different extensions
- commerce_paytm.info - This is simple file which has information about the payment module.
- commerce_paytm.module - This is the core file which includes all the funcionalities for the module like posting cart information to Paytm with checksum and getting the response etc ..,
- posttopaytm.php - This is the php file which is responsible for posting the form to the Paytm API.
- checksum.php - Cotains general functions to find checksum.
Create a custom field for phone number named "phone number" and provide its machine name as "field_phone_number" at the checkout page.