##Objetive of the project
- Using terraform setup the wordpress site end to end, including mysql database and also the nginx server.
- Setup nagios, a monitoring server
###Tools Used
- terraform (v0.10.2)
- Ansible (
###Cloud Provider Amazon Web Services
Ubuntu 16
- AWS is used as a cloud provider
- Security is not considered, port 22 and 80 are opened to public
- Default VPC is used with subnets
- Route53 has been used to assign a domain name to the servers.
- Scripts developed to create single wordpress and single monitoring server.
- Since it is just a small dev project so did not considered high availability and fault tolerance, for a good architecture we can have a discussion.
- Install terraform https://www.terraform.io/intro/getting-started/install.html
- Install Ansible http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/intro_installation.html#basics-what-will-be-installed https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-configure-ansible-on-ubuntu-14-04 Set environment variable export ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False
Few things like security groups and public subnets needs to be created before initialising the scripts. All values to be placed in “var.tf” file.
- Create one security group with two ports opened.(80 and 22)
- An S3 Bucket to be created to upload terraform state.
- Create a subnet if not available
- AMI also needs to be updated on the variable.
Wordpress Setup : Go to the instances directory
Initialise terraform
terraform init
Plan before executing script
terraform plan
Once everything is fine
terraform apply
Just wait for 2-3 min it will deploy wordpress site on a particular server. Orchestration: terraform Installation & Configuration: Ansible
Monitoring Setup: Nagios has been to as a monitoring server.
- Go to nagios directory
Initialise terraform
terraform init
Plan before executing script
terraform plan
Once everything is fine
terraform apply
In 2-3 min server would be ready to use.
- Go to nagios directory