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[HW]: Add mem_multibanked_pwrgate for correct power management #296

[HW]: Add mem_multibanked_pwrgate for correct power management

[HW]: Add mem_multibanked_pwrgate for correct power management #296

GitHub Actions / verible-verilog-lint failed Oct 28, 2024 in 1s

reviewdog [verible-verilog-lint] report

reported by reviewdog 🐶

Findings (7)

src/|24 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 103 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
src/|26 col 28| Explicitly define a storage type for every parameter and localparam, (SimInit). [Style: constants] [explicit-parameter-storage-type]
src/|28 col 28| Explicitly define a storage type for every parameter and localparam, (ImplKey). [Style: constants] [explicit-parameter-storage-type]
src/|133 col 19| Use blocking assignments, at most, for locals inside 'always_ff' sequential blocks. [Style: sequential-logic] [always-ff-non-blocking]
src/|136 col 22| Use blocking assignments, at most, for locals inside 'always_ff' sequential blocks. [Style: sequential-logic] [always-ff-non-blocking]
src/|146 col 66| All generate block statements must have a label [Style: generate-statements] [generate-label]
src/|151 col 101| Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 126 [Style: line-length] [line-length]

Filtered Findings (0)


Check warning on line 24 in src/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / verible-verilog-lint

[verible-verilog-lint] src/

Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 103 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
Raw output
message:"Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 103 [Style: line-length] [line-length]"  location:{path:"./src/"  range:{start:{line:24  column:101}}}  severity:WARNING  source:{name:"verible-verilog-lint"  url:""}

Check warning on line 26 in src/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / verible-verilog-lint

[verible-verilog-lint] src/

Explicitly define a storage type for every parameter and localparam, (SimInit). [Style: constants] [explicit-parameter-storage-type]
Raw output
message:"Explicitly define a storage type for every parameter and localparam, (SimInit). [Style: constants] [explicit-parameter-storage-type]"  location:{path:"./src/"  range:{start:{line:26  column:28}}}  severity:WARNING  source:{name:"verible-verilog-lint"  url:""}

Check warning on line 28 in src/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / verible-verilog-lint

[verible-verilog-lint] src/

Explicitly define a storage type for every parameter and localparam, (ImplKey). [Style: constants] [explicit-parameter-storage-type]
Raw output
message:"Explicitly define a storage type for every parameter and localparam, (ImplKey). [Style: constants] [explicit-parameter-storage-type]"  location:{path:"./src/"  range:{start:{line:28  column:28}}}  severity:WARNING  source:{name:"verible-verilog-lint"  url:""}

Check warning on line 133 in src/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / verible-verilog-lint

[verible-verilog-lint] src/

Use blocking assignments, at most, for locals inside 'always_ff' sequential blocks. [Style: sequential-logic] [always-ff-non-blocking]
Raw output
message:"Use blocking assignments, at most, for locals inside 'always_ff' sequential blocks. [Style: sequential-logic] [always-ff-non-blocking]"  location:{path:"./src/"  range:{start:{line:133  column:19}}}  severity:WARNING  source:{name:"verible-verilog-lint"  url:""}

Check warning on line 136 in src/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / verible-verilog-lint

[verible-verilog-lint] src/

Use blocking assignments, at most, for locals inside 'always_ff' sequential blocks. [Style: sequential-logic] [always-ff-non-blocking]
Raw output
message:"Use blocking assignments, at most, for locals inside 'always_ff' sequential blocks. [Style: sequential-logic] [always-ff-non-blocking]"  location:{path:"./src/"  range:{start:{line:136  column:22}}}  severity:WARNING  source:{name:"verible-verilog-lint"  url:""}

Check warning on line 146 in src/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / verible-verilog-lint

[verible-verilog-lint] src/

All generate block statements must have a label [Style: generate-statements] [generate-label]
Raw output
message:"All generate block statements must have a label [Style: generate-statements] [generate-label]"  location:{path:"./src/"  range:{start:{line:146  column:66}}}  severity:WARNING  source:{name:"verible-verilog-lint"  url:""}

Check warning on line 151 in src/

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / verible-verilog-lint

[verible-verilog-lint] src/

Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 126 [Style: line-length] [line-length]
Raw output
message:"Line length exceeds max: 100; is: 126 [Style: line-length] [line-length]"  location:{path:"./src/"  range:{start:{line:151  column:101}}}  severity:WARNING  source:{name:"verible-verilog-lint"  url:""}