I created a Popcat project on Scratch at school, and this is my first time sharing files publicly. The Scratch file is by "puditcoo," which is actually me, but on a different account at school. This is my main account at home, hence the (Official) label.
Don't mind the weird language in the -removebg-preview.png files and the puditcoo README ver.
If you're curious about what this is or how to play it, it's a Scratch Popcat Project. If you're unfamiliar with it, Scratch is a programming platform. Here's the link because, why not: https://scratch.mit.edu
(How to Play)
- Download "Scratch Project (2).sb3"
- Go to https://scratch.mit.edu (Scratch)
- Click "Start Creating"
- In the top left, the third icon from the Scratch logo is "File." Click on File and you will see "New, Load from your computer, Save to your computer."
- Click "Load from your computer" and select "Scratch Project (2).sb3"
- Done! Click the Cat to pop and collect scores!