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Peter Steiwer edited this page Jun 17, 2020 · 4 revisions

To implement a new Highchart Chart type, follow the below instructions once you have selected a chart type that you wish to use

  1. Create a new class in the ThirdPartyChartPortlets.Highcharts package.
    • ThirdPartyChartPortlets.Highcharts.LineChart
  2. This new class should extend ThirdPartyChartPortlets.Highcharts.Base
    • Class ThirdPartyChartPortlets.Highcharts.LineChart Extends ThirdPartyChartPortlets.Highcharts.Base
  3. Override DisplayName Parameter
    • This should contain the value of what you want your chart type to display as
    • Parameter DisplayName = "Line";
  4. Override ChartType Parameter
    • This should contain the value of the Highcharts.chart.type property
    • Parameter ChartType = "line";
  5. Override the drawChart method if needed
    • Overriding this method is needed when extra calculations or data array structure changes are needed
    • ClientMethod drawChart(resultSet, containingid) [ Language = javascript ]
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