Repo for calculating DVARS in data stored on JHPCE
Files are stored as arrow datasets.
$ tree -L 5 dvars | head
├── dataset=HCPAgingRec
│ ├── sub=6002236
│ │ └── ses=1
│ │ ├── src=rfMRI_REST1_AP_Atlas_MSMAll_hp0_clean
│ │ │ └── dvars.arrow
│ │ ├── src=rfMRI_REST1_PA_Atlas_MSMAll_hp0_clean
│ │ │ └── dvars.arrow
│ │ ├── src=rfMRI_REST2_AP_Atlas_MSMAll_hp0_clean
│ │ │ └── dvars.arrow
Each file is a table
t | A | D | S | DPD | ZD | DVARS | dataset | sub | ses | src |
1 | 3.784818 | 1.985132 | 0.2807895 | -6.1827153 | -4.6384849 | 2.817895 | ukb | 5902812 | 2 | 20227-filtered_func_data_clean |
2 | 4.727538 | 2.182186 | 0.5185044 | -2.7343983 | 2.0862912 | 2.954445 | ukb | 5902812 | 2 | 20227-filtered_func_data_clean |
3 | 4.715485 | 2.297970 | 0.6058910 | -0.7082396 | 0.5208611 | 3.031811 | ukb | 5902812 | 2 | 20227-filtered_func_data_clean |
4 | 4.787917 | 2.285580 | 0.6165337 | -0.9250505 | 0.6858148 | 3.023627 | ukb | 5902812 | 2 | 20227-filtered_func_data_clean |
5 | 5.249457 | 2.357410 | 0.6653134 | 0.3319351 | -0.2623765 | 3.070772 | ukb | 5902812 | 2 | 20227-filtered_func_data_clean |
6 | 5.497924 | 2.396127 | 0.7443832 | 1.0094449 | -0.7654791 | 3.095885 | ukb | 5902812 | 2 | 20227-filtered_func_data_clean |
- t: volume
- A: total ("all") variability
- D: Fast ("difference") variability
- S: Slow ("average") variability
- DPD: "delta percent D", excess variance in the signal change as a percentage of the mean (total) signal change
- ZD: z-score for signal change
- DVARS: raw DVARS (likely not useful)
For interpretation, see Afouni & Nichols (2018) and Pham et al. (2023).
Calculations for various dvars measures based on fMRIscrub.
In python, try polars.scan_ips
import polars as pl
In R, try arrow::open_dataset
arrow::open_dataset("/Users/psadil/data/dvars/derivatives/dvars", format = "ipc") |>
filter(t > 0, dataset == "ukb") |>
- Files with
containing "hp#" were provided by the HCP after (at least some) high-pass filtering, and no additional filtering was done before calculating DVARS - Files with
containing "clean" were provided by the HCP after ICA FIX-ing, and no additional cleaning was done before calculating DVARS
- Files with
containing "hp#" were provided by the HCP after (at least some) high-pass filtering, and no additional filtering was done before calculating DVARS - Files with
containing "clean" were provided by the HCP after ICA FIX-ing, and no additional cleaning was done before calculating DVARS
- The UKB provides data that have already undergone high-pass filtering and so no additional cleaning was done before calculating DVARS
- The resting state vs task scans can be identified with the src entity
- src=20227-filtered_func_data_clean: resting state (after ICA FIX'ing)
- 'src=20249-filtered_func_data: task scans