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make fsdistbindE unconditional; generalize fsdistbindEwiden (affeldt-…
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* add pmulR_{l,r}gt0'

* simplify fsdistbindE preserving the original one as fsdistbindEcond; generalize fsdistbindEwiden

* nitpicks, 1.16 warning, test with monae


Co-authored-by: Reynald Affeldt <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
t6s and affeldt-aist authored Sep 24, 2023
1 parent 85fa3a8 commit a1b992a
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Showing 4 changed files with 72 additions and 159 deletions.
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions changelog.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,14 @@
from 0.5.2 to master
- renamed
+ fsdistbindE -> fsdistbindEcond
- added
+ fsdistbindE (unconditional RHS)
+ pmulR_lgt0', pmulR_rgt0'
- changed
+ fsdistbindEwiden (generalized)

from 0.5.1 to 0.5.2
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions information_theory/jtypes.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -673,7 +673,7 @@ rewrite /split_tuple /= in_setX; apply/andP; split.
- apply/imsetP; exists tb' => //.
apply/val_inj => /=.
rewrite eq_tcast /=.
by rewrite -tb's sum_num_occ_rec take_take // leq_addr.
by rewrite -tb's sum_num_occ_rec take_takel// leq_addr.
- rewrite in_set.
apply/eqP/val_inj => /=.
by rewrite eq_tcast -Ha take0.
Expand All @@ -691,7 +691,7 @@ symmetry in Htb_2; move/tcast2tval in Htb_2; rewrite /= in Htb_2.
rewrite /split_tuple /= in_setX.
apply/andP; split.
- apply/imsetP; exists tb => //; apply/val_inj => /=.
by rewrite eq_tcast /= -Htb_2 sum_num_occ_rec take_take // leq_addr.
by rewrite eq_tcast /= -Htb_2 sum_num_occ_rec take_takel // leq_addr.
- rewrite in_set.
set t := Tuple _.
have Ht : tval t = take N(enum_val k | ta) (drop (sum_num_occ ta k) sb) by [].
Expand All @@ -704,7 +704,7 @@ apply/andP; split.
rewrite -Htb_2 in Ht.
have Ht2 : tval t = drop (sum_num_occ ta k) (take (sum_num_occ ta k.+1) tb).
rewrite Ht {1}sum_num_occ_rec take_drop take_take; last by rewrite addnC.
rewrite Ht {1}sum_num_occ_rec take_drop take_takel; last by rewrite addnC.
by rewrite addnC sum_num_occ_rec.
congr (_ %:R / _%:R)%R.
Expand Down
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions lib/ssrR.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -539,6 +539,16 @@ Proof. by move=> Hm; rewrite -!(mulRC m) leR_pmul2l'. Qed.
Lemma pmulR_lgt0 x y : 0 < x -> (0 < y * x) <-> (0 < y).
Proof. by move=> x0; rewrite -{1}(mul0R x) ltR_pmul2r. Qed.

Lemma pmulR_lgt0' [x y : R] : 0 < y * x -> 0 <= x -> 0 < y.
case/boolP: (x == 0) => [/eqP -> |]; first by rewrite mulR0 => /ltRR.
move=> /eqP /nesym ? /[swap] ? /pmulR_lgt0; apply.
by rewrite ltR_neqAle; split.

Lemma pmulR_rgt0' [x y : R] : 0 < x * y -> 0 <= x -> 0 < y.
Proof. by rewrite mulRC; exact: pmulR_lgt0'. Qed.

Arguments leR_pmul2l [_] [_] [_].
Arguments leR_pmul2r [_] [_] [_].
Arguments ltR_pmul2l [_] [_] [_].
Expand Down
204 changes: 48 additions & 156 deletions probability/fsdist.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -248,23 +248,38 @@ Qed.

Definition fsdistbind : {dist B} := locked (FSDist.make f0 f1).

Lemma fsdistbindE x :
Lemma fsdistbindEcond x :
fsdistbind x = if x \in D then \sum_(a <- finsupp p) p a * (g a) x else 0.
Proof. by rewrite /fsdistbind; unlock; rewrite fsfunE. Qed.

Lemma fsdistbindE x : fsdistbind x = \sum_(a <- finsupp p) p a * (g a) x.
rewrite fsdistbindEcond.
case: ifPn => // aD.
apply/eqP; move: aD; apply: contraLR.
rewrite eq_sym negbK sumR_neq0; last by move=> ?; exact: mulR_ge0.
case => i [] suppi pg0.
apply/bigfcupP; exists (g i).
- by rewrite in_imfset.
- by rewrite mem_finsupp; apply/gtR_eqF/(pmulR_rgt0' pg0).

Lemma fsdistbindEwiden S x :
finsupp p `<=` S -> fsdistbind x = \sum_(a <- S) p a * (g a) x.
move=> suppS; rewrite fsdistbindE (big_fset_incl _ suppS) //.
by move=> a2 Ha2; rewrite memNfinsupp => /eqP ->; rewrite mul0R.

Lemma supp_fsdistbind : finsupp fsdistbind = D.
apply/fsetP => b; rewrite mem_finsupp; apply/idP/idP => [|].
by rewrite fsdistbindE; case: ifPn => //; rewrite eqxx.
by rewrite fsdistbindEcond; case: ifPn => //; rewrite eqxx.
case/bigfcupP => dB.
rewrite andbT => /imfsetP[a] /= ap ->{dB} bga.
rewrite fsdistbindE; case: ifPn => [/bigfcupP[dB] | ]; last first.
apply: contra => _.
apply/bigfcupP; exists (g a)=> //; rewrite andbT.
by apply/imfsetP; exists a => //=; rewrite imfset_id.
rewrite andbT => /imfsetP[a0] /= a0p ->{dB} bga0.
rewrite fsdistbindE.
apply/eqP => H.
have : (p a0) * (g a0) b <> 0.
have : (p a) * (g a) b <> 0.
by rewrite mulR_eq0 => -[]; apply/eqP; rewrite -mem_finsupp.
by move/psumR_seq_eq0P : H; apply => // b0 _; exact/mulR_ge0.
Expand All @@ -282,21 +297,13 @@ Lemma fsdist1bind (A B : choiceType) (a : A) (f : A -> {dist B}) :
fsdist1 a >>= f = f a.
apply/val_inj/val_inj => /=; congr fmap_of_fsfun; apply/fsfunP => b.
rewrite fsdistbindE; case: ifPn => [|H].
case/bigfcupP => /= d; rewrite andbT => /imfsetP[a0/=].
rewrite supp_fsdist1 inE => /eqP ->{a0} ->{d} bfa.
by rewrite big_seq_fsetE big_fset1/= fsdist1xx mul1R.
have [->//|fab0] := eqVneq ((f a) b) 0%R.
case/bigfcupP : H.
exists (f a); last by rewrite mem_finsupp.
rewrite andbT; apply/imfsetP; exists a => //=.
by rewrite supp_fsdist1 inE.
by rewrite fsdistbindE supp_fsdist1 big_seq_fset1 fsdist1xx mul1R.

Lemma fsdistbind1 (A : choiceType) (p : {dist A}) : p >>= (@fsdist1 A) = p.
Lemma fsdistbind1 (A : choiceType) (p : {dist A}) : p >>= @fsdist1 A = p.
apply/val_inj/val_inj => /=; congr fmap_of_fsfun; apply/fsfunP => b.
rewrite fsdistbindE; case: ifPn => [|H].
rewrite fsdistbindEcond; case: ifPn => [|H].
case/bigfcupP => /= d; rewrite andbT.
case/imfsetP => /= a ap ->{d}.
rewrite supp_fsdist1 inE => /eqP ->{b}.
Expand All @@ -313,78 +320,17 @@ Lemma fsdistbindA (A B C : choiceType) (m : {dist A}) (f : A -> {dist B})
(m >>= f) >>= g = m >>= (fun x => f x >>= g).
apply/val_inj/val_inj => /=; congr fmap_of_fsfun; apply/fsfunP => c.
rewrite !fsdistbindE; case: ifPn => [|H]; last first.
rewrite ifF //; apply/negbTE; apply: contra H.
case/bigfcupP => /= dC; rewrite andbT.
move=> /imfsetP[x] /= mx ->{dC}.
rewrite supp_fsdistbind.
case/bigfcupP => dC; rewrite andbT => /imfsetP[b] /= bfx ->{dC} cgb.
apply/bigfcupP; exists (g b) => //; rewrite andbT.
apply/imfsetP; exists b => //=.
rewrite supp_fsdistbind.
by apply/bigfcupP; exists (f x) => //; rewrite andbT; apply/imfsetP; exists x.
case/bigfcupP => /= dC.
rewrite andbT => /imfsetP[b] /=.
rewrite {1}supp_fsdistbind => /bigfcupP[dB].
rewrite andbT => /imfsetP[a] /= => ma ->{dB} fab0 ->{dC} gbc0.
rewrite ifT; last first.
apply/bigfcupP => /=; exists (f a >>= g); last first.
rewrite supp_fsdistbind; apply/bigfcupP; exists (g b) => //.
by rewrite andbT; apply/imfsetP; exists b => //=; rewrite imfset_id.
by rewrite andbT; apply/imfsetP => /=; exists a => //; rewrite inE.
rewrite (eq_bigr (fun a => \sum_(a0 <- finsupp m) m a0 * (f a0) a * (g a) c)); last first.
move=> b0 _.
rewrite fsdistbindE; case: ifPn => [/bigfcupP[dB] | ].
by rewrite andbT => /imfsetP[a0] _ _ _; rewrite -big_distrl.
rewrite (mul0R (g b0 c)) => K.
rewrite big1_fset => // a0 ma00 _.
apply/eqP/negPn/negP => L.
move/negP : K; apply.
apply/bigfcupP; exists (f a0); last first.
by rewrite mem_finsupp; apply: contra L => /eqP ->; rewrite mulR0 mul0R.
by rewrite andbT; apply/imfsetP; exists a0 => //=; rewrite imfset_id.
rewrite exchange_big; apply eq_bigr => a0 _ /=.
rewrite fsdistbindE.
have [->|ma00] := eqVneq (m a0) 0%R.
by rewrite mul0R big1_fset // => b2 _ _; rewrite 2!mul0R.
case: ifPn => [/bigfcupP[dC] | Hc].
rewrite andbT => /imfsetP[b0] /= fa0b0 ->{dC} gb0c.
under eq_bigr do rewrite -mulRA.
rewrite -(big_distrr (m a0)) /=; congr (_ * _).
rewrite (big_fsetID _ (mem (finsupp (f a0)))) /=.
rewrite [X in (_ + X)%R = _](_ : _ = 0) ?addR0; last first.
rewrite big1_fset => // b1 /imfsetP [b2 /=]; rewrite inE => /andP[/= _].
by rewrite !mem_finsupp negbK => /eqP K -> _; rewrite K mul0R.
apply big_fset_incl.
by apply/fsubsetP => b1; case/imfsetP => b2 /= /andP[_ ?] ->.
move=> b1 fa0b1.
have [-> _|gb1c] := eqVneq (g b1 c) 0%R; first by rewrite mulR0.
case/imfsetP; exists b1 => //=.
rewrite inE fa0b1 andbT mem_finsupp fsdistbindE ifT.
have /eqP K : (m a0 * (f a0 b1) <> R0 :> R).
rewrite mulR_eq0 => -[]; first exact/eqP.
by apply/eqP; rewrite -mem_finsupp.
apply/eqP => /psumR_seq_eq0P => L.
move/eqP : K; apply.
apply L => //.
- by move=> a1 _; exact: mulR_ge0.
- by rewrite mem_finsupp.
apply/bigfcupP; exists (f a0) => //; rewrite andbT.
by apply/imfsetP; exists a0 => //=; rewrite mem_finsupp.
rewrite supp_fsdistbind.
suff : \sum_(i <- finsupp (m >>= f)) (f a0) i * (g i) c = R0 :> R.
rewrite supp_fsdistbind => L.
under eq_bigr do rewrite -mulRA.
by rewrite -(big_distrr (m a0)) /= L !mulR0.
- exact: fset_uniq.
- move=> b1 _; exact: mulR_ge0.
- move=> a1 Ha1.
have [-> | ga1c] := eqVneq (g a1 c) 0%R; first by rewrite mulR0.
have [-> | fa0a1] := eqVneq (f a0 a1) 0%R; first by rewrite mul0R.
case/bigfcupP : Hc.
exists (g a1); last by rewrite mem_finsupp.
by rewrite andbT; apply/imfsetP; exists a1 => //=; rewrite mem_finsupp.
rewrite !fsdistbindE.
under eq_bigr do rewrite fsdistbindE big_distrl.
under [in RHS]eq_bigr do
(rewrite fsdistbindE big_distrr /=; under eq_bigr do rewrite mulRA).
rewrite exchange_big /= !big_seq; apply: eq_bigr => a a_m.
rewrite supp_fsdistbind; apply/esym/big_fset_incl => [| b].
apply/fsubsetP => ? ?; apply/bigfcupP => /=.
by exists (f a) => //; rewrite andbT in_imfset.
case/bigfcupP => ?; rewrite andbT; case/imfsetP => ? /= ? -> ?.
rewrite mem_finsupp negbK => /eqP ->.
by rewrite mulR0 mul0R.

Definition fsdistmap (A B : choiceType) (f : A -> B) (d : {dist A}) : {dist B} :=
Expand All @@ -403,15 +349,10 @@ Qed.
Definition fsdistmapE (A B : choiceType) (f : A -> B) (d : {dist A}) b :
fsdistmap f d b = \sum_(a <- finsupp d | f a == b) d a.
rewrite {1}/fsdistmap [in LHS]fsdistbindE; case: ifPn => Hb.
rewrite (bigID (fun a => f a == b)) /=.
rewrite [X in (_ + X)%R = _](_ : _ = 0) ?addR0; last first.
by rewrite big1 // => a fab; rewrite fsdist10 ?mulR0// eq_sym.
by apply eq_bigr => a /eqP ->; rewrite fsdist1xx mulR1.
rewrite big_seq_cond big1 // => a /andP[ad] fab.
exfalso; move/negP : Hb; apply; apply/bigfcupP; exists (fsdist1 (f a)).
by rewrite andbT; apply/imfsetP => /=; exists a.
by rewrite (eqP fab) supp_fsdist1 inE.
rewrite {1}/fsdistmap [in LHS]fsdistbindE (bigID (fun a => f a == b)) /=.
rewrite [X in (_ + X)%R = _](_ : _ = 0) ?addR0; last first.
by rewrite big1 // => a fab; rewrite fsdist10 ?mulR0// eq_sym.
by apply eq_bigr => a /eqP ->; rewrite fsdist1xx mulR1.

Lemma supp_fsdistmap (A B : choiceType) (f : A -> B) d :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -463,13 +404,7 @@ Definition fsdistjoin A (D : {dist (FSDist_choiceType A)}) : {dist A} :=

Lemma fsdistjoinE A (D : {dist (FSDist_choiceType A)}) x :
fsdistjoin D x = \sum_(d <- finsupp D) D d * d x.
rewrite /fsdistjoin fsdistbindE; case: ifPn => // xD.
rewrite big_seq (eq_bigr (fun=> 0)) ?big1 // => d dD.
have [->|dx0] := eqVneq (d x) 0; first by rewrite mulR0.
exfalso; move/negP : xD; apply.
by apply/bigfcupP; exists d; [rewrite andbT inE| rewrite mem_finsupp].
Proof. by rewrite /fsdistjoin fsdistbindE. Qed.

Lemma fsdistjoin1 (A : choiceType) (D : {dist (FSDist_choiceType A)}) :
fsdistjoin (fsdist1 D) = D.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -753,24 +688,6 @@ move/eqP : p0; apply.
by apply/val_inj; rewrite /= p0'.

Lemma fsdistbindEwiden (B : choiceType) (a b : {dist A}) (f : A -> {dist B})
(p : prob) : p != 0%:pr ->
forall b0 : B, (a >>= f) b0 = \sum_(i <- finsupp (a <|p|> b)) (a i * (f i) b0).
move=> p0 b0; rewrite fsdistbindE.
case: ifPn => [/bigfcupP[dB] | Hb0].
- rewrite andbT; case/imfsetP => a1 /= a1a ->{dB} b0fa1.
apply/big_fset_incl; first exact/finsupp_conv_subr.
by move=> a2 Ha2; rewrite memNfinsupp => /eqP ->; rewrite mul0R.
- apply/esym/psumR_seq_eq0P => // a1 Ha1.
have [->|aa10] := eqVneq (a a1) 0; first by rewrite mul0R.
rewrite mulR_eq0; right.
apply/eqP; rewrite -memNfinsupp.
apply: contra Hb0 => Hb0.
apply/bigfcupP; exists (f a1) => //; rewrite andbT.
by apply/imfsetP; exists a1 => //=; rewrite mem_finsupp.

Let conv0 (mx my : {dist A}) : mx <| 0%:pr |> my = my.
by apply/fsdist_ext => a; rewrite fsdist_convE /= mul0R add0R onem0 mul1R.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -848,28 +765,11 @@ have [->|p0] := eqVneq p 0%:pr.
by rewrite conv0 mul0R add0R onem0 mul1R fsdistbindE.
have [->|p1] := eqVneq p 1%:pr.
by rewrite conv1 mul1R onem1 mul0R addR0 fsdistbindE.
case: ifPn => [/bigfcupP[dB] | Hb0].
rewrite andbT => /imfsetP[a0 /=] /= Ha0 ->{dB} b0a0.
under eq_bigr.
by move=> a1 _; rewrite fsdist_convE (@mulRDl _ _ (f a1 b0)) -!mulRA; over.
rewrite big_split /= -2!big_distrr /=; congr (_ * _ + _ * _)%R.
rewrite (@fsdistbindEwiden _ b a _ (p.~)%:pr)// 1?convC//.
apply: contra p1 => /eqP/(congr1 val) /= /onem_eq0 p1.
apply/esym/paddR_eq0; [exact/mulR_ge0 | exact/mulR_ge0 |].
suff: forall c, finsupp c `<=` finsupp (a <|p|> b) -> (c >>= f) b0 = 0.
by move=> h; rewrite !h ?mulR0//;
[exact: finsupp_conv_subl | exact: finsupp_conv_subr].
move=> c hc.
rewrite fsdistbindE; case: ifPn => // abs.
move/negP : Hb0; apply.
case/bigfcupP : abs => dB.
rewrite andbT => /imfsetP[a0 /=] a0c ->{dB} Hb0.
apply/bigfcupP; exists (f a0) => //; rewrite andbT.
apply/imfsetP; exists a0 => //=.
by move: a0 a0c {Hb0}; exact/fsubsetP.
under eq_bigr.
by move=> a1 _; rewrite fsdist_convE (@mulRDl _ _ (f a1 b0)) -!mulRA; over.
rewrite big_split /= -2!big_distrr /= -!fsdistbindEwiden //.
by rewrite finsupp_conv_subl.
by rewrite finsupp_conv_subr.

End fsdist_conv_prop.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1064,16 +964,8 @@ set X := LHS.
under eq_bigr do rewrite fdist_of_fsE.
rewrite ssum_seq_finsuppE' supp_fsdistmap.
under eq_bigr do rewrite fsdistbindE.
have Hsupp : forall y,
y \in [fset f x | x in finsupp d] ->
y \in \bigcup_(d0 <- [fset fsdist1 (f a) | a in finsupp d]) finsupp d0.
- move=> y.
case/imfsetP=> x /= xfd ->.
apply/bigfcupP; exists (fsdist1 (f x)); last by rewrite supp_fsdist1 inE.
by rewrite andbT; apply/imfsetP; exists x.
rewrite big_seq; under eq_bigr=> y Hy.
- rewrite (Hsupp y Hy).
rewrite big_scaleptl'; [| by rewrite scale0pt | by move=> j; apply mulR_ge0].
- rewrite big_scaleptl'; [| by rewrite scale0pt | by move=> j; apply mulR_ge0].
under eq_bigr=> i do rewrite fsdist1E inE.
rewrite -big_seq exchange_big /=.
Expand Down

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