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Co-authored-by: Takafumi Saikawa <[email protected]>
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affeldt-aist and t6s committed Dec 4, 2022
1 parent 7753082 commit 75afaca
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Showing 29 changed files with 1,908 additions and 1,988 deletions.
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions _CoqProject
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ probability/fsdist.v
Expand All @@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ probability/necset.v
Expand All @@ -63,7 +62,7 @@ information_theory/channel_coding_converse.v
Expand Down
25 changes: 20 additions & 5 deletions changelog.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -164,10 +164,10 @@ from 0.4.0 to 0.4.1
+ CondJFDist.dNE -> jfdist_cond_dflt
+ CJFDist.t -> jfdist_prod0
+ CJFDist.joint_of -> jfdist_prod
+ CJFDist.CondJFDistE -> jfdist_prod_cond
+ CJFDist.E -> jfdist_prodE
+ CJFDist.split -> jfdist_split
+ CJFDist.splitE -> jfdist_prodK
+ CJFDist.CondJFDistE -> fdist_cond_prod
+ CJFDist.E -> jcPr_fdistX_prod
+ CJFDist.split -> fdist_split
+ CJFDist.splitE -> fdist_prodK
+ Multivar.to_bivar -> fdist_prod_of_rV
+ Multivar.to_bivarE -> fdist_prod_of_rVE
+ Multivar.belast_last -> fdist_belast_last_of_rV
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -309,14 +309,29 @@ from 0.4.0 to 0.4.1
+ tuple_pmf_out_fdist -> fdist_rV_out
+ MutualInfoChan.mut_info -> mutual_info_chan
+ mut_info_chanE -> mutual_info_chanE
- removed:
+ jcPr_max -> jcPr_le1
+ CondEntropyChan.h -> cond_entropy_chan
+ CondEntropyChanE -> cond_entropy_chanE
+ CondEntropyChanE2 -> cond_entropy_chanE2
+ Receivable.t -> receivable
+ Receivable.def -> receivable_prop
+ -> mkReceivable
+ receivableE -> receivable_propE
+ not_receivable_uniformE -> not_receivable_prop_uniform
+ PosteriorProbability.d -> fdist_post_prob
+ PosteriorProbability.dE -> fdist_post_probE
+ PosteriorProbability.ppE -> post_probE
+ PosteriorProbability.Kppu -> post_prob_uniform_cst
+ MarginalPostProbability.d -> fdist_marginal_post_prob
- Removed:
+ Module TripA'
+ imset_fst
+ big_scalept
+ `p_
+ big_rV_0
+ CJFDist.make_joint
+ JointFDistChan.d
+ `J(P, W) notation
- changed:
+ scaledptR0 (now derived from the interface of quasi real cones)
and renamed scalept0
Expand Down
61 changes: 31 additions & 30 deletions ecc_classic/decoding.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -138,10 +138,10 @@ Lemma ML_err_rate x1 x2 y : repair y = Some x1 ->
move=> Hx1 Hx2.
case/boolP : (W ``(y | x2) == 0%R) => [/eqP -> //| Hcase].
have Hy : Receivable.def P W y.
have PWy : receivable_prop P W y.
apply/existsP; exists x2.
by rewrite Hcase andbT fdist_uniform_supp_neq0 inE.
case: (ML_dec ( Hy)) => x' [].
case: (ML_dec (mkReceivable PWy)) => x' [].
rewrite /= Hx1 => -[<-] ->.
rewrite -big_filter.
apply (leR_bigmaxR (fun i => W ``(y | i))).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -178,9 +178,9 @@ rewrite (eq_bigl (fun m => phi tb == Some m)); last by move=> m; rewrite inE.
rewrite [in X in _ <= X](eq_bigl (fun m => dec tb == Some m)); last by move=> m; rewrite inE.
(* show that phi_ML succeeds more often than phi *)
have [dectb_None|dectb_Some] := boolP (dec tb == None).
case/boolP : (Receivable.def P W tb) => [Hy|Htb].
case: (ML_dec ( Hy)) => [m' [tb_m']].
move: dectb_None; by rewrite {1}/dec {1}ffunE tb_m'.
case/boolP : (receivable_prop P W tb) => [Hy|Htb].
case: (ML_dec (mkReceivable Hy)) => [m' [tb_m']].
by move: dectb_None; rewrite {1}/dec {1}ffunE tb_m'.
have W_tb m : W ``(tb | enc m) = 0%R.
apply/eqP; apply/contraR : Htb => Htb.
apply/existsP; exists (enc m).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ have -> : W ``(y | c) = g (dH_y c).
clear cast_card.
rewrite -/W compatible //.
move/subsetP : f_img; apply.
by rewrite inE; apply/existsP; exists (Receivable.y y); apply/eqP.
by rewrite inE; apply/existsP; exists (receivable_rV y); apply/eqP.
transitivity (\big[Rmax/R0]_(c in C) (g (dH_y c))); last first.
apply eq_bigr => /= c' Hc'.
move: (DMC_BSC_prop p enc (discard c') y).
Expand All @@ -301,8 +301,8 @@ rewrite (@bigmaxR_bigmin_vec_helper _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ codebook_not_empty) //.
- move=> r; rewrite /g.
apply mulR_ge0; apply pow_le => //; lra.
- rewrite inE; move/subsetP: f_img; apply.
rewrite inE; apply/existsP; by exists (Receivable.y y); apply/eqP.
- move=> ? _; by rewrite /dH_y max_dH.
rewrite inE; apply/existsP; by exists (receivable_rV y); apply/eqP.
- by move=> ? _; rewrite /dH_y max_dH.
- by rewrite /dH_y MD.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -333,42 +333,43 @@ Lemma MAP_implies_ML : MAP_decoding W C dec P -> ML_decoding W C dec P.
move=> HMAP.
rewrite /ML_decoding => /= tb.
have Hunpos : INR 1 / INR #| [set cw in C] | > 0.
rewrite div1R; exact/invR_gt0/ltR0n/vspace_not_empty.
move: (HMAP tb) => H.
rewrite /PosteriorProbability.d in H.
unlock in H.
simpl in H.
set tmp := \rmax_(_ <- _ | _) _ in H.
rewrite /tmp in H.
have Hunpos : 1%:R / INR #| [set cw in C] | > 0.
by rewrite div1R; exact/invR_gt0/ltR0n/vspace_not_empty.
move: (HMAP tb) => [m [tbm]].
rewrite /fdist_post_prob. unlock. simpl.
set tmp := \rmax_(_ <- _ | _) _.
rewrite /tmp.
under [in X in _ = X -> _]eq_bigr do rewrite ffunE.
move=> H.
evar (h : 'rV[A]_n -> R); rewrite (eq_bigr h) in H; last first.
by move=> v vC; rewrite ffunE /h; reflexivity.
by move=> v vC; rewrite /h; reflexivity.
rewrite -bigmaxR_distrl in H; last first.
apply/invR_ge0; rewrite ltR_neqAle; split.
apply/eqP; by rewrite eq_sym -receivableE Receivable.defE.
move: H.
rewrite {2 3}/P.
case => [m' [Hm' H]].
apply/eqP; by rewrite eq_sym -receivable_propE receivableP.
rewrite {2 3}/P in H.
set r := index_enum _ in H.
rewrite (eq_bigr (fun i => 1 / INR #|[set cw in C]| * W ``(tb | i))) in H; last first.
move=> i iC; by rewrite fdist_uniform_supp_in // inE.
move: H.
under [in X in _ = X -> _]eq_bigr.
move=> i iC.
rewrite fdist_uniform_supp_in; last by rewrite inE.
move=> H.
rewrite -bigmaxR_distrr in H; last exact/ltRW/Hunpos.
exists m'; split; first exact Hm'.
rewrite /PosteriorProbability.f ffunE in H.
set x := PosteriorProbability.den _ in H.
have x0 : / x <> 0 by apply/eqP/invR_neq0'; rewrite -receivableE Receivable.defE.
exists m; split; first exact tbm.
rewrite ffunE in H.
set x := (X in _ * _ / X) in H.
have x0 : / x <> 0 by apply/eqP/invR_neq0'; rewrite -receivable_propE receivableP.
move/(eqR_mul2r x0) in H.
rewrite /= fdist_uniform_supp_in ?inE // in H; last first.
move/subsetP : dec_img; apply.
by rewrite inE; apply/existsP; exists (Receivable.y tb); apply/eqP.
by rewrite inE; apply/existsP; exists (receivable_rV tb); apply/eqP.
by move/eqR_mul2l : H => -> //; exact/eqP/gtR_eqF.

End MAP_decoding_prop.

Section MPM_decoding.

(* in the special case of a binary code... *)
Variable W : `Ch('F_2, [finType of 'F_2]).
Variable n : nat.
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions ecc_modern/checksum.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -176,12 +176,12 @@ Hypothesis HC : 0 < #| [set cw in C] |.
Local Open Scope proba_scope.
Variable y : (`U HC).-receivable W.

Lemma post_proba_uniform_checksubsum (x : 'rV['F_2]_n) :
Lemma post_prob_uniform_checksubsum (x : 'rV['F_2]_n) :
(`U HC) `^^ W (x | y) =
(PosteriorProbability.Kppu [set cw in C] y *
(post_prob_uniform_cst [set cw in C] y *
(\prod_m0 (\delta ('V m0) x))%:R * W ``(y | x))%R.
rewrite PosteriorProbability.uniform_kernel; congr (_ * _ * _)%R.
rewrite post_prob_uniform_kernel; congr (_ * _ * _)%R.
by rewrite big_morph_natRM checksubsum_in_kernel inE mem_kernel_syndrome0.

Expand Down
43 changes: 21 additions & 22 deletions ecc_modern/ldpc.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -84,22 +84,20 @@ Local Open Scope vec_ext_scope.

(* TODO: move to the file on bsc? *)
Section post_proba_bsc_unif.

Variable A : finType.
Hypothesis card_A : #|A| = 2%nat.
Variable p : R.
Hypothesis p_01' : 0 < p < 1.
Let p_01 := Eval hnf in Prob.mk_ (ltR2W p_01').
Let P := fdist_uniform card_A.
Variable a' : A.
Hypothesis Ha' : Receivable.def (P `^ 1) (BSC.c card_A p_01) (\row_(i < 1) a').
Hypothesis Ha' : receivable_prop (P `^ 1) (BSC.c card_A p_01) (\row_(i < 1) a').

Lemma bsc_post (a : A) :
(P `^ 1) `^^ (BSC.c card_A p_01) (\row_(i < 1) a | Ha') =
(P `^ 1) `^^ (BSC.c card_A p_01) (\row_(i < 1) a | mkReceivable Ha') =
(if a == a' then 1 - p else p)%R.
rewrite PosteriorProbability.dE /= /PosteriorProbability.den /=.
rewrite !fdist_rVE DMCE big_ord_recl big_ord0.
rewrite fdist_post_probE /= !fdist_rVE DMCE big_ord_recl big_ord0.
rewrite (eq_bigr (fun x : 'M_1 => P a * (BSC.c card_A p_01) ``( (\row__ a') | x))%R); last first.
by move=> i _; rewrite /P !fdist_rVE big_ord_recl big_ord0 !fdist_uniformE mulR1.
rewrite -big_distrr /= (_ : \sum_(_ | _) _ = 1)%R; last first.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -450,18 +448,18 @@ Local Open Scope R_scope.
Lemma estimation_correctness (d : 'rV_n) n0 :
let b := d ``_ n0 in let P := `U C_not_empty in
P '_ n0 `^^ W (b | y) =
MarginalPostProbability.Kmpp y * PosteriorProbability.Kppu [set cw in C] y *
marginal_post_prob_den y * post_prob_uniform_cst [set cw in C] y *
W `(y ``_ n0 | b) * \prod_(m0 in 'F n0) alpha m0 n0 d.
move=> b P.
rewrite MarginalPostProbability.probaE -2!mulRA; congr (_ * _).
transitivity (PosteriorProbability.Kppu [set cw in C] y *
rewrite fdist_marginal_post_probE -2!mulRA; congr (_ * _).
transitivity (post_prob_uniform_cst [set cw in C] y *
(\sum_(x = d [~ setT :\ n0])
W ``(y | x) * \prod_(m0 < m) (\delta ('V m0) x)%:R))%R.
rewrite [RHS]big_distrr [in RHS]/=.
apply eq_big => t; first by rewrite -freeon_all.
rewrite inE andTb => td_n0.
rewrite PosteriorProbability.uniform_kernel -mulRA; congr (_ * _)%R.
rewrite post_prob_uniform_kernel -mulRA; congr (_ * _)%R.
rewrite mulRC; congr (_ * _)%R.
by rewrite checksubsum_in_kernel inE mem_kernel_syndrome0.
congr (_ * _)%R.
Expand All @@ -480,7 +478,8 @@ transitivity (
\prod_(m0 in 'F n0) \prod_(m1 in 'F(m0, n0)) (\delta ('V m1) x)%:R).
apply eq_bigr => /= t Ht.
congr (_ * _)%R.
by rewrite -(rprod_Fgraph_part_fnode (Tanner.connected tanner) (Tanner.acyclic tanner) (fun m0 => (\delta ('V m0) t)%:R)).
by rewrite -(rprod_Fgraph_part_fnode (Tanner.connected tanner) (Tanner.acyclic tanner)
(fun m0 => (\delta ('V m0) t)%:R)).
transitivity (
\sum_(x = d [~ setT :\ n0]) \prod_(m0 in 'F n0)
(W ``(y # 'V(m0, n0) :\ n0 | x # 'V(m0, n0) :\ n0) *
Expand All @@ -498,38 +497,36 @@ Definition K949 (n0 : 'I_n) df := /
W Zp1 (y ``_ n0) * \prod_(m1 in 'F n0) alpha m1 n0 (df `[ n0 := Zp1 ])).

Lemma K949_lemma df n0 : K949 n0 df =
MarginalPostProbability.Kmpp y * PosteriorProbability.Kppu [set cw in C] y.
marginal_post_prob_den y * post_prob_uniform_cst [set cw in C] y.
rewrite /K949 /MarginalPostProbability.Kmpp /PosteriorProbability.Kppu -invRM; last 2 first.
rewrite /K949 /marginal_post_prob_den /post_prob_uniform_cst -invRM; last 2 first.
apply/eqP; rewrite FDist.f1 => ?; lra.
by rewrite -not_receivable_uniformE Receivable.defE.
by rewrite -not_receivable_prop_uniform receivableP.
congr (/ _).
transitivity (\sum_(t in 'rV['F_2]_n)
if t \in kernel H then W ``(y | t) else 0); last first.
rewrite big_distrl /=.
apply eq_bigr => /= t Ht.
case: ifP => HtH.
rewrite PosteriorProbability.dE.
rewrite fdist_uniform_supp_in ?inE //.
rewrite /PosteriorProbability.den.
rewrite fdist_post_probE fdist_uniform_supp_in ?inE //.
have HH : #|[set cw in kernel H]|%:R <> 0.
rewrite cards_eq0.
apply/set0Pn; exists t; by rewrite inE.
by apply/set0Pn; exists t; rewrite inE.
rewrite -(mulRC (W ``(y | t))) -[X in X = _]mulR1.
rewrite -!mulRA.
congr (_ * _).
rewrite mul1R fdist_uniform_supp_restrict /= fdist_uniform_supp_distrr /=; last first.
rewrite invRM; last 2 first.
rewrite (eq_bigl (fun x => x \in [set cw in C])); last by move=> i; rewrite inE.
by rewrite -not_receivable_uniformE Receivable.defE.
by rewrite -not_receivable_prop_uniform receivableP.
rewrite invRK //; last exact/eqP.
rewrite -mulRA mulRC mulVR ?mulR1 ?mulRV //; first by exact/eqP.
set tmp1 := \sum_(_ | _) _.
rewrite /tmp1 (eq_bigl (fun x => x \in [set cw in C])); last by move=> i; rewrite inE.
by rewrite -not_receivable_uniformE Receivable.defE.
rewrite PosteriorProbability.dE fdist_uniform_supp_notin; last by rewrite inE; exact/negbT.
by rewrite -not_receivable_prop_uniform receivableP.
rewrite fdist_post_probE fdist_uniform_supp_notin; last by rewrite inE; exact/negbT.
by rewrite !(mul0R,div0R).
rewrite -big_mkcond /=.
rewrite /alpha.
Expand All @@ -544,9 +541,11 @@ transitivity (W Zp0 (y ``_ n0) *
(W ``(y # 'V(m1, n0) :\ n0 | ta # 'V(m1, n0) :\ n0) *
(\prod_(m2 in 'F(m1, n0)) (\delta ('V m2) ta)%:R)))).
congr (_ * _ + _ * _).
rewrite (rmul_rsum_commute0 (Tanner.connected tanner) (Tanner.acyclic tanner) y (fun m x y => W ``(x | y))) // => m1 m0 t Hm1 tdf.
rewrite (rmul_rsum_commute0 (Tanner.connected tanner) (Tanner.acyclic tanner) y
(fun m x y => W ``(x | y))) // => m1 m0 t Hm1 tdf.
by rewrite checksubsum_dprojs_V.
rewrite (rmul_rsum_commute0 (Tanner.connected tanner) (Tanner.acyclic tanner) y (fun m x y => W ``(x | y))) // => m1 m0 t Hm1 tdf.
rewrite (rmul_rsum_commute0 (Tanner.connected tanner) (Tanner.acyclic tanner) y
(fun m x y => W ``(x | y))) // => m1 m0 t Hm1 tdf.
by rewrite checksubsum_dprojs_V.
transitivity (\sum_(ta : 'rV_n) W (ta ``_ n0) (y ``_ n0) *
\prod_(m1 in 'F n0)
Expand Down
18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions information_theory/binary_symmetric_channel.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Import Prenex Implicits.

Local Open Scope fdist_scope.
Local Open Scope channel_scope.
Local Open Scope R_scope.

Expand All @@ -34,7 +35,6 @@ Definition c : `Ch(A, A) := fdist_binary card_A p.
End BSC_sect.
End BSC.

Local Open Scope channel_scope.
Local Open Scope entropy_scope.

Section bsc_capacity_proof.
Expand All @@ -48,10 +48,10 @@ Let p_01 : prob := Eval hnf in Prob.mk_ (ltR2W p_01').
Lemma HP_HPW : `H P - `H(P, BSC.c card_A p_01) = - H2 p.
rewrite {2}/entropy /=.
rewrite (eq_bigr (fun a => (`J( P, (BSC.c card_A p_01))) (a.1, a.2) *
log ((`J( P, (BSC.c card_A p_01))) (a.1, a.2)))); last by case.
rewrite -(pair_big xpredT xpredT (fun a b => (`J( P, (BSC.c card_A p_01)))
(a, b) * log ((`J( P, (BSC.c card_A p_01))) (a, b)))) /=.
rewrite (eq_bigr (fun a => ((P `X (BSC.c card_A p_01))) (a.1, a.2) *
log (((P `X (BSC.c card_A p_01))) (a.1, a.2)))); last by case.
rewrite -(pair_big xpredT xpredT (fun a b => (P `X (BSC.c card_A p_01))
(a, b) * log ((P `X (BSC.c card_A p_01)) (a, b)))) /=.
rewrite {1}/entropy .
set a := \sum_(_ in _) _. set b := \sum_(_ <- _) _.
apply trans_eq with (- (a + (-1) * b)); first by field.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ transitivity (p * (P a + P b) * log p + (1 - p) * (P a + P b) * log (1 - p) ).
by move: (FDist.f1 P); rewrite Set2sumE /= -/a -/b => ->; rewrite /log; field.

Lemma IPW : `I(P; BSC.c card_A p_01) = `H(P `o BSC.c card_A p_01) - H2 p.
Lemma IPW : `I(P, BSC.c card_A p_01) = `H(P `o BSC.c card_A p_01) - H2 p.
rewrite /mutual_info_chan addRC.
set a := `H(_ `o _).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -136,8 +136,8 @@ apply: (@leR_trans (H2 q)); last exact: H2_max.
by rewrite /H2 !mulNR; apply Req_le; field.

Lemma bsc_out_H_half' : 0 < INR 1 / INR 2 < 1.
Proof. by rewrite /= (_ : INR 1 = 1) // (_ : INR 2 = 2) //; lra. Qed.
Lemma bsc_out_H_half' : 0 < 1%:R / 2%:R < 1.
Proof. by rewrite /= (_ : 1%:R = 1) // (_ : 2%:R = 2) //; lra. Qed.

Lemma H_out_binary_uniform : `H(fdist_uniform card_A `o BSC.c card_A p_01) = 1.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ set p' := Prob.mk_ (ltR2W p_01').
have has_sup_E : has_sup E.
set d := fdist_binary card_A p' (Set2.a card_A).
by exists (`I(d; BSC.c card_A p')), d.
by exists (`I(d, BSC.c card_A p')), d.
exists 1 => y [P _ <-{y}].
rewrite IPW; apply/RleP/leR_subl_addr/(leR_trans (H_out_max card_A P p_01')).
rewrite addRC -leR_subl_addr subRR.
Expand Down

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