523 commits
to master
since this release
We're pleased to announce Comodore v1.18.0. This release brings significant performance enhancements for Commodore.
The two big performance improvements are that we now fetch Commodore component in parallel (#844) and the Commodore Docker image uses reclass-rs by default (#848).
To use reclass-rs
when installing Commodore locally, you need to manually patch Kapitan to use the library over its bundled Python reclass implementation. You can do this by running the following commands while the Commodore virtualenv is activated:
KAPITAN_PATH=$(python -c 'import kapitan; print(kapitan.__path__[0])')
curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/projectsyn/reclass-rs/main/hack/kapitan_0.32_reclass_rs.patch \
| patch -p1 -d "${KAPITAN_PATH}"
16 changes since v1.17.1
🚀 Features
- Fetch component and package dependencies in parallel (#844)
- Use
in Commodore Docker image (#848)
🔗 Dependency Updates
- Update dependency PyGithub to v1.59.1 (#816)
- Update dependency pylint to v2.17.5 (#821)
- Update dependency types-toml to v0.10.8.7 (#823)
- Update dependency responses to v0.23.3 (#822)
- Update dependency importlib-metadata to v6.8.0 (#826)
- Update dependency pyjwt to v2.8.0 (#827)
- Update dependency pyfakefs to v5.2.4 (#831)
- Update dependency click to v8.1.7 (#830)
- Update dependency python-poetry/poetry to v1.6.1 (#834)
- Update docker.io/python Docker tag to v3.11.5 (#835)
- Update actions/checkout action to v4 (#840)
- Update dependency pytest to v7.4.2 (#842)
- Update dependency black to v23.9.1 (#845)
- Update dependency gitpython to v3.1.36 (#847)