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09 ConstrainingPlayerMovement

RoiArthurB edited this page Nov 25, 2024 · 1 revision

Constraining movement of players from GAMA

Link to the example model: LinkToUnity/Models/Code Examples/Limit Player Movement.gaml

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There are 3 ways to constraint the movement of a player from GAMA:

  • Enable/disable the movement of the player
  • Build invisible walls around a given set of geometries
  • Define a specific geometry for the teleportation area

Enable/disable the movement of the player

To enable/disable the movement of the player, use the « enable_player_movement » action of the Unity Linker.

do enable_player_movement(
     player:the_player, //player agent concerned
	enable:enable_movement //true (enable movement) or false (disable movement)

Build invisible walls around a given set of geometries

To build invisible walls around a given set of geometries, use the « build_invisible_walls » action of the Unity Linker.

//build invisible walls surrounding the free_area geometry
do build_invisible_walls(
	player: last(unity_player), //player to send the information to
	id: "wall_for_free_area", //id of the walls
	height: 40.0, //height of the walls
	wall_width: 1.0, //width of the walls
	geoms: [free_area] //geometries used to defined the walls - the walls will be generated from the contour of these geometries

Define a specific geometry for the teleportation area

To define a specific geometry for the teleportation area, use of the « send_teleport_area » action of the Unity Linker.

// change the area on which the player can teleport
do send_teleport_area(
	player: last(unity_player), //player to send the information to
	id: "Teleport_free_area",//id of the teleportation area
	geoms: [free_area] //geometries used to defined the teleportation area
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