The seqlib library is a module developed as a practice exercise for the PDSB class.
git clone
cd seqlib
pip install .
## import the seqlib library
import seqlib
## generate a seqlib class object with a sequence array of shape (n, m)
s = seqlib.Seqlib(10, 100)
## return sequence array
## return maf of sequence array
## return a filtered view of the seqarray filter based on maf
## and missing (N) sites
print(s.filter(minmaf=0.1, maxmissing=0.0)
## return a new copy of seqlib object with modified seqarray
n = s.filter_seqlib(minmaf=0.1, maxmissing=0.0)
## view stats on the full seqarray
## view stats on the modified seqarray
## or do the same in one shot
s.filter_seqlib(minmaf=0.1, maxmissing=0.0).calculate_stats()