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Differences between WebChurch and Scheme

Long Ouyang edited this page Apr 8, 2016 · 1 revision

In Webchurch...

(1) or and and do not short-circuit

(2) case syntax is a little different; the different cases are not quoted. an example: In regular Scheme, we can write:

(case 'i
       ((a e i o u) 'vowel)
       (else 'consonant))

whereas in WebChurch, we have to quote each of the vowels on the second line:

(case 'i
       (('a 'e 'i 'o 'u) 'vowel)
       (else 'consonant))

(3) Named let is implemented recursively rather than iteratively (this is for technical reasons. we could compile the named let to a while loop but then we would only have a loop counter for ERP addressing.. since named let is morally lambda, we need to have the arguments for addressing as well, so a while loop is not enough)

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