Copyright 2019 by Birgit Möller, Stefan Posch, Tino Schmidt, Axel Zieschank and others
rhizoTrak is a tool for manual and semi-automated annotation of root images.
- Webpage:
- Contact: [email protected]
The code of this project is substantially based on the TrakEM2 plugin for ImageJ/Fiji. Please find further information about the original TrakEM2 plugin at the end of this page.
rhizoTrak extends TrakEM2 towards root-specific functionality, e.g., adds support for importing and exporting annotation data in RSML format, extends the connector concept from purely geometric to object-based links, and adds several additional configuration options.
rhizoTrak is released under the General Public License in its latest version, please find the License file included.
Note that the rhizoTrak distribution re-distributes the RSML XML schema definition file "rsml.xsd". The original file can be found here: The file is released under the Apache License, Version 2.0, for details on the license take a look in the included LICENSE.rsml_xsd file or visit
More detailed information on RSML can be found here:
For installation in ImageJ/Fiji simply activate the "MiToBo" update site which also distributes rhizoTrak.
Copyright 2005-2014 Albert Cardona and Rodney Douglas.
Copyright 2007-2014 Stephan Saalfeld, Stephan Preibisch, Ignacio Arganda, Verena Kaynig
Released under the General Public License in its latest version.
Contact: acardona at ini phys ethz ch
To compile the source, call mvn (Maven in the root source directory (builds everything) or in one of the subprojects (build just the subproject).
It is strongly recommended to use Java 1.6.0 or higher whenever possible, since repainting speed is much higher.
Have fun! Beer and comments to acardona at ini phys ethz ch