This project is a web application which provides the reader and admin role-based security and implemented web services like movie ratings, weather forecast etc., using external API’s published.
- Login /Sign up
- Roles defined - Staff and Member
- Cookies storage(Browser Dependent)
- User Control
- Global.asax
- Implemented web services below
- Weather Service: This service has one functionality i.e, to provide user the 5 day forecast based on the users entry(zipcode)
- Business Service: Based on the magazine/publisher name selected by the user along with number of inputs he/she wants to views news is displayed with the link of actual website for full article.
- Word Filter: This service has one functionality i.e, to provide user the stop words removed text based on the users input
- Entertainment Service: Based on the movie title few details like genre, date and IMDB rating are provided
- Encryption and Password Match DLL: This DLL library hashes the user inputed password and again matches the user inputed password with hashed password
- XML manipulation: This function helps the user to store username and passwords during registration