------------------------------- READ ME ----------------------------------------- Project Title - Detection of hedonic response using Ballistocardiography Group members -
- Praneel Rathore
- Aayush Garg
- Nipun Manocha
Pre-requisites to run the project - Python 2.7 OpenCV 2.4.10 Scipy 0.18.1 Numpy 1.11.2 Matplotlib 1.5.3 PeakUtils 1.0.3
Steps to run the project - The following project can be run on JetBrains Pycharm IDE 2016.2.3 Community Edition.
- Open the SETTINGS.json file to edit the file paths according to the location of data files in your system.
- In file4.py file enter the video numbers you want to run the code on in the arrays arrpos and arrneg. Change the subject number and run the code.
- After running the code, hrv_values will be stored in the folder saved_hrv and final signa will be stored in saved_signal (in the data sub folder).
- To compute various statistical measures on the hrv data, run file6.py.