This is a simple-calculator which is used for testing my custom OpenJDK-12 bundled with OpenJFX-13. This project uses Java Swing, JavaFX and JavaFX FXML for creating simple calculator using Infix Evaluator algorithm to evaluate given expression.
Understanding task
By default clean, build, test and jar task is performed and jar files are automatically generated in ~/build/libs
All 4 jars will be available after the sucessful build. You can run java -jar <JAR-NAME>
to test individual.
This project requires Java-12 and JFX-13 to build. So, make sure you have already added them as environment variables or by some other mean otherwise build will fail.
task runFXUIMain
will run calculator UI implemented with JavaFX. To run this hit
./gradlew or gradlew runFXUIMain
to run.
task runFXMLMain
will run calculator UI implemented with JavaFX FXML.
task runSwingMain
will run calculator UI implemented with Java Swing.
task runMainWithArgs
will run command line implementation of expression evaluator