Simplified. Efficient. Customizable.
LogNinja is a simple logging setup to be used in Python applications.To install LogNinja, use pip:
pip install logninja
First, set up LogNinja:
from logninja import setup_logging
from logninja.configs import LogConsoleConfig
This basic setup will format all your logs as JSON.
LogNinja's setup also provides advanced logging features, such as ContextVars, custom formatters, and custom log levels.
import logging
from my_custom_formatter import CustomFormatter
from my_globals_contextvar import trace_id
from logninja import setup_logging
from logninja.configs import LogConsoleConfig
The context variables will be automatically set for all logs. This allows you to use trace logs with your custom context variables.
If you're developing an ASGI application, you can use the LogNinjaASGIMiddleware to automatically log requests and responses:
from my_globals_contextvar import trace_id
from my_logger import logger
from logninja.asgi.middleware import LogNinjaASGIMiddleware
app = FastAPI()
contextvars_by_headers=[(request_id, "X-Request-ID")],
This allows you to capture the contextvars from headers and, combined with the setup_logging(contextvars=[trace_id])
, creates a powerful tool to capture trace IDs from the headers and use them in all logs within the ASGI request context.
The log_execution
decorator is a powerful tool provided by LogNinja to log the execution time of a function or coroutine.
Here is an example of how to use it:
from logninja import log_execution
def my_function():
# Your code here
This will automatically log the start and end of the function execution, as well as the total execution time.
The decorator can also be used with coroutines:
from logninja import log_execution
async def my_coroutine():
# Your code here
In both cases, the decorator uses the LogNinja logger by default, but you can provide your own logger if you prefer:
from my_logger import logger
from logninja import log_execution
async def my_coroutine():
# Your code here
When you use the log_execution
decorator, it generates logs at the start and end of the function or coroutine execution. Here are examples of what these logs look like in both console and JSON formats.
With ninja format, the logs are displayed as plain text. Here's an example:
['2024-05-30 18:58:28'] [DEBUG ] 'my_function' executed in 0.0183 seconds [logninja]
['2024-05-30 18:58:28'] [DEBUG ] 'my_function' executed in 0.0183 seconds [logninja]
In the JSON format, the logs are displayed as JSON objects. Here's an example:
"level": "INFO",
"logger": "logninja",
"message": "Starting execution of function my_function",
"params": {
"args": [],
"kwargs": {}
"level": "INFO",
"logger": "logninja",
"message": "my_function executed in 0.0020 seconds"
The JSON logs contain the same information as the console logs, but they also include the log level, the logger name, and any extra parameters that were passed to the function or coroutine.
All logged exceptions are automatically formatted by our NinjaJsonFormatter
import logging
from logninja import setup_logging
logger = logging.getLogger("my_logger")
1 / 0
except Exception as exc_info:
logger.exception("Unexpected error", exc_info=exc_info)
By passing the exc_info
, LogNinja automatically builds a JSON log like this:
"level": "ERROR",
"message": "Unexpected error",
"timestamp": "2024-05-24T19:51:31.402206+00:00",
"logger": "my_logger",
"module": "teste",
"function": "<module>",
"line": 12,
"thread_name": "MainThread",
"exc_info": [
"exc_type": "ZeroDivisionError",
"exc_value": "division by zero",
"syntax_error": null,
"is_cause": false,
"frames": [
"filename": "path_here",
"logger": "my_logger",
"module": "teste",
"function": "<module>",
"line": 12,
"thread_name": "MainThread",
"exc_info": [
"exc_type": "ZeroDivisionError",
"exc_value": "division by zero",
"syntax_error": null,
"is_cause": false,
"frames": [
"filename": "path_here",
"lineno": 10,
"name": "<module>",
"line": "",
"locals": {
"__name__": "__main__",
"__doc__": "None",
"__package__": "None",
"__loader__": "<_frozen_importlib_external.SourceFileLoader object at 0x000001FDA90251D0>",
"__spec__": "None",
"__annotations__": "{}",
"__builtins__": "<module 'builtins' (built-in)>",
"__file__": "path_here",
"__cached__": "None",
"logging": "path_here",
"setup_logging": "<function setup_logging at 0x000001FDA91BA7A0>",
"logger": "<Logger my_logger (INFO)>",
"exc_info": "ZeroDivisionError('division by zero')"
Important Notice: This functionality contains code derived from the structlog
project, available at Changes were made starting from May 24th, 2024. The original code is licensed under the MIT License or Apache-2.0. Please ensure to comply with these licenses when using LogNinja.
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.