I will use this README to track my progress on my gameboy emulator project. The objectives of this project are the following :
- Learn about emulation by attempting to emulate a simple games system.
- Gain more experience in software design.
- The code I will be writing will obviously be far from perfect. One idea is to check out existing emulators once I am finished with this project (not before) to try and understand how more experienced developers designed their systems and how I could have gained from their expertise.
- Gain more experience writing C code.
- Have fun.
- It is very easy to feel paralyzed by the inadequacy of the codebase but I have to keep moving forward and complete my tasks. Otherwise, I will never have a working system. It won't be perfect and that's fine, let's have some fun.
More tasks will be added below as I move through the project and gain a better understanding of the system going from the general flow right down to the last detail.
If you are running linux you should first download the SDL2 library with the following command :
sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev
Then run the following command to build and run the emulator (the tetris ROM is currently loaded by default) :
make build-linux && cd src/ && emulator.exe
This milestone has been reached. We can now scroll the Nintendo logo on to the screen. The tasks below are some suggested improvements for this stage.
- TASK [test]: verify VRAM data for logo scroll
8000: 00000000000000000000000000000000
8010: F000F000FC00FC00FC00FC00F300F300
8020: 3C003C003C003C003C003C003C003C00
8030: F000F000F000F00000000000F300F300
8040: 000000000000000000000000CF00CF00
8050: 000000000F000F003F003F000F000F00
8060: 0000000000000000C000C0000F000F00
8070: 000000000000000000000000F000F000
8080: 000000000000000000000000F300F300
8090: 000000000000000000000000C000C000
80A0: 030003000300030003000300FF00FF00
80B0: C000C000C000C000C000C000C300C300
80C0: 000000000000000000000000FC00FC00
80D0: F300F300F000F000F000F000F000F000
80E0: 3C003C00FC00FC00FC00FC003C003C00
80F0: F300F300F300F300F300F300F300F300
8100: F300F300C300C300C300C300C300C300
8110: CF00CF00CF00CF00CF00CF00CF00CF00
8120: 3C003C003F003F003C003C000F000F00
8130: 3C003C00FC00FC0000000000FC00FC00
8140: FC00FC00F000F000F000F000F000F000
8150: F300F300F300F300F300F300F000F000
8160: C300C300C300C300C300C300FF00FF00
8170: CF00CF00CF00CF00CF00CF00C300C300
8180: 0F000F000F000F000F000F00FC00FC00
8190: 3C004200B900A500B900A50042003C00 -> copyright logo
This milestone has been completed. We now run through the entire boot sequence with the logo check working properly. We can now move on to testing on simple ROMs.
TASK [cleanup]: move CPU macros into c file and change them into functions
TASK [cleanup]: make CPU registers pointers to integers
TASK [cleanup]: Improvements can be made to the makefile by looking at standard makefiles
TASK [cleanup]: make header files follow the same format (include order, external APIs prefixed but not internal APIs)
TASK : Implement enough functionality to display the Tetris intro screen.
- At this point we shouldn't need joypad input, interrupt handling, etc, but I suspect something is going wrong since I am currently executing as far as reading joypad input but I haven't yet loaded the Tetris intro screen.
TASK 2 : Implement enough functionality to read joypad input
- Implement overwriting hardcoded boot rom with initial cartridge instructions after having executed the hardcoded boot rom.
- Implement interrupt handling for joypad input.
http://bgb.bircd.org/pandocs.htm https://gbdev.gg8.se/wiki/articles/Pan_Docs#Cartridges http://marc.rawer.de/Gameboy/Docs/GBCPUman.pdf https://github.com/gbdev/awesome-gbdev http://www.emulatronia.com/doctec/consolas/gameboy/gameboy.txt
Good explanation of the LCDC register https://gbdev.gg8.se/wiki/articles/LCDC https://nnarain.github.io/2016/09/09/Gameboy-LCD-Controller.html
Good explanation of the boot process https://realboyemulator.wordpress.com/2013/01/03/a-look-at-the-game-boy-bootstrap-let-the-fun-begin/
Once I am done I can look at the following emulators (NOT BEFORE) : https://github.com/binji/binjgb