#Stop updating. Please move to TOT2
##What's TOT?
TOT is a solution includes:
- A server that you can upload your beta test ipa packages to. We call it "TOT server".
- A web app that you can download the uploaded ipa packages from TOT server directly to your iOS devices.
The downloaded ipa will be installed to your device. Full compatible with iPhone5.
It is created by php and uses apple OTA technology.
##Then what's OTA?
OTA stands for over-the-air. With this technology, you can install beta test ipa packages to iOS devices via wifi, and USB cable is not required any more. It wirelessly improve ad-hoc distribution.
##Why OTA? There are several ways to achieve OTA installation. However, TOT is the most convenient way to build a OTA server, and the most convenient way to release beta test ipa package.
1.Imagine your developing iOS project needs an alpha test. There are 20 test engineers of this large project.You just need to send them your TOT server's URL. No e-mail ipa attachments. No USB cable installation.
2.Imagine you are developing a new version of your iOS app. You have 3 team mates, each one develops a prototype, so there are 4 prototypes your boss can choose from. You upload four ipa packages to TOT server. Your boss opened TOT server's URL in mobile safari, and he can install every version conveniently.
3.Imagine your investment is in another country, and wants to see the progress of your developing iOS app. You just mail him your TOT server's URL. He opens the URL in his mobile Safari, the download and installation begins magically. The download speed depends on your server's network speed and is likely much more faster than App Store's download speed.
1.No database required. Simple file and directory storage.
2.Dynamic manifest technology.
3.Beautiful web app for install. Compatible with iPhone5.
4.Easy to do server migration.
Just copy php-tot and paste it to another server. Data in it won't be damaged.
#How to use TOT?
##Prepare a TOT server
1.Prepare an php server. Make sure running PHP5.3 or higher version on it.
For example, I use an Apache2.2.21 running PHP 5.3.8.
2.Check server's upload settings. In Apache, open php.ini, check settings of 'upload_max_filesize' and 'post_max_size'. I set both of them 200M, so I can upload ipa files whose size are less than 200MB.
3.Download php-tot from github. Copy php-tot folder to your PHP server. For example, I'm using a MAC, Apache server's documents path is '/Library/WebServer/Documents'. I copy php-tot to '/Library/WebServer/Documents'
4.Change file permission for php-tot.
For example, in my mac, Apache server's user is _www, _www's group is wheel. php-tot be copied to '/Library/WebServer/Documents'. Open Terminal and type these commands.
cd /Library/WebServer/Documents
sudo chown _www:wheel php-tot
##Upload ipa packages 1.Open TOT server's URL in your MAC/PC's browser. For example, mine PHP server's address is, so I opened '' in Chrome. You may upload php-tot to a server which has a domain.
2.Click 'Choose File', then choose an illegal beta test ipa. Type some change log of this version, then click 'Submit'。
##Installation on mobiles
1.Open TOT server's URL in your mobile Safari, mine is ''. You can add this page to iOS device's home screen. It looks like this:
2.Choose a product, then the detail page of this product shows. Touch "Install" button. Then the installation will begin. Very convenient, isn't it?
#License php-tot is published under the MIT License.
php-tot uses CFPropertyList.
CFPropertyList is under The MIT License. Copyright (c) 2009 Christian Kruse, Rodney Rehm
1.User interface to let developers delete uploaded ipa.
2.Upload and delete permission control.
#Other choice
Web Service:
1.Test Flight
Open Sourced project:
1.HockeyKit : Open sourced PHP5 project.
2.BetaBuilder for iOS : Open sourced native MAC app. It should be used with a static web server.
#简体中文 盒装正版 介绍
- Ipa安装包上传与自动部署服务器. 我们称之为"TOT server"。
- 一个用来在iPhone/iPad/touch上查看ipa简介、安装ipa的webapp。已兼容iPhone5的新分辨率。
##为什么要用OTA? OTA已经有了为数不多的几种良好封装。 但创建OTA服务器、发布测试ipa安装包,TOT是最方便的方式。
1.设想你将要为正在进行的iOS工程开始内测。你正在进行的大工程需要20个测试工程师(我知道这在天朝不现实)。你只需要把TOT server的URL发给他们,不需要给每个人都发送一个带ipa附件的邮件,也不需要插线安装。
2.设想你正在开发一个App的新版本。你有3个iOS开发工程师同事,每个人开发一种原型,以便让你们的老板从四个原型中挑一种最好的。你们把ipa安装包都上传到TOT server。你的老板在iPhone上打开TOT server的URL,只需要手指点点就可以选择他想看的原型。
3.设想你的投资人在另一个国家,他想看看你们的iOS app开发的怎么样了。你只管把TOT server的URL发给他,他在iPhone上打开了这个URL,只需轻点两下,安装就可以开始了。而且你服务器带宽好的话,从自己的TOT server下载ipa比从App Store下要快很多。
3.优雅的web app安装界面,让你在测试、风投、其他屌丝码农面前辈儿有面子;完美兼容iPhone5;
Copyright (c) 2012, Open Fibers
All rights reserved.
"Open Fibers"的名称,和php-tot的贡献者的名字,都不可用于认可或推广未经事先书面许可,由本软件衍生的产品。
##准备一个TOT server 1.准备一个可以运行PHP5.3或以上版本的服务器.我用的是Apache2.2.21和PHP 5.3.8.
2.检查服务器的上传设置。如果你也用Apache的话,打开php.ini,检查'upload_max_filesize'和'post_max_size'两个值的设置。我把这两个值都设置成了200M,所以我可以向我的TOT server上传200M以内的ipa。
举例说明:在我的MAC中,Apache服务器的用户是_www, _www所属用户组是wheel。php-tot已被复制到'/Library/WebServer/Documents'。打开命令行,敲下以下命令
cd /Library/WebServer/Documents
sudo chown _www:wheel php-tot
##上传ipa安装包 1.在你MAC/PC的浏览器中打开TOT server的URL。 我的Apache的地址是192.168.1.103,所以我在Chrome中打开''。你也可以准备一台带域名的服务器。
2.点击'Choose File', 然后选择一个合法的ipa测试安装包。写点此次发布的Change log,然后点击'Submit'。
1.在iPhone/iPad的Safari里打开TOT server的URL,我的是''。 你可以把这个页面添加到主屏幕。页面如下:
#License php-tot is published under the MIT License.
php-tot uses CFPropertyList.
CFPropertyList is under The MIT License. Copyright (c) 2009 Christian Kruse, Rodney Rehm
Web Service:
1.Test Flight
1.HockeyKit : 开源项目,同样使用PHP5.
2.BetaBuilder for iOS : 开源项目,是一个MAC app,需一个静态web服务器配合使用.