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A memory profiler focusing on long-lived objects.


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A memory profiler focusing on long-lived objects.


I created this gem because I wanted to reduce the maximum memory usage of a Ruby program.

The existing memory profiler, memory_profiler gem, focuses on allocated and retained memory. This tool is useful to reduce allocations and retain memory, but it is not suitable for reducing the maximum memory usage.

This gem solves this problem by focusing on long-lived objects. Long-lived objects are objects that are not garbage collected for a long time. These objects are the main cause of the maximum memory usage.

NOTE: Performance

This gem slows down the target program because it hooks all object allocations and free. Also, it uses a lot of memory to store the object information. Therefore, it is not suitable in a production environment.


Install the gem and add to the application's Gemfile by executing:

$ bundle add majo --group development

If bundler is not being used to manage dependencies, install the gem by executing:

$ gem install majo


Wrap the code you want to profile with Then, call report method to display the result.

result = do


You can pass the following options to report method.

Name Description Default Type
out Output file or IO $stdout IO, String or an object having to_path method (such as Pathname)
formatter The format of the result :color or monochrome :color, :monochrome, or :csv

For example:

result = do
end "majo-result.csv", formatter: :csv)

Result Example

The result contains only long-lived objects, which are collected by the major GC or retained.

The example is as follows:

Total 15055372 bytes (159976 objects)

Memory by file
10431760  /path/to/gems/rbs-3.5.1/lib/rbs/parser_aux.rb
 1966348  /path/to/gems/rbs-3.5.1/lib/rbs/environment_loader.rb
  980344  /path/to/gems/rbs-3.5.1/lib/rbs/types.rb

Memory by location
10431760  /path/to/gems/rbs-3.5.1/lib/rbs/parser_aux.rb:20
 1942812  /path/to/gems/rbs-3.5.1/lib/rbs/environment_loader.rb:159
  249920  /path/to/gems/rbs-3.5.1/lib/rbs/types.rb:994

Memory by class
4274028  String
3556632  RBS::Location
2197840  Array

Objects by file
109126  /path/to/gems/rbs-3.5.1/lib/rbs/parser_aux.rb
 20813  /path/to/gems/rbs-3.5.1/lib/rbs/types.rb
 12236  /path/to/gems/rbs-3.5.1/lib/rbs/environment.rb

Objects by location
109126  /path/to/gems/rbs-3.5.1/lib/rbs/parser_aux.rb:20
  4458  /path/to/gems/rbs-3.5.1/lib/rbs/namespace.rb:24
  4132  /path/to/gems/rbs-3.5.1/lib/rbs/types.rb:374

Objects by class
52495  Array
22435  RBS::Location
11144  RBS::TypeName

Retained Memory by file
7040  /path/to/gems/3.3.0/gems/rbs-3.5.1/lib/rbs/parser_aux.rb
 256  /path/to/gems/3.3.0/gems/rbs-3.5.1/lib/rbs/resolver/type_name_resolver.rb

Retained Memory by location
7040  /path/to/gems/3.3.0/gems/rbs-3.5.1/lib/rbs/parser_aux.rb:20
 256  /path/to/gems/3.3.0/gems/rbs-3.5.1/lib/rbs/resolver/type_name_resolver.rb:22

Retained Memory by class
6920  String
 256  Hash
 120  Symbol

Retained Objects by file
160  /path/to/gems/3.3.0/gems/rbs-3.5.1/lib/rbs/parser_aux.rb
  1  /path/to/gems/3.3.0/gems/rbs-3.5.1/lib/rbs/resolver/type_name_resolver.rb

Retained Objects by location
160  /path/to/gems/3.3.0/gems/rbs-3.5.1/lib/rbs/parser_aux.rb:20
  1  /path/to/gems/3.3.0/gems/rbs-3.5.1/lib/rbs/resolver/type_name_resolver.rb:22

Retained Objects by class
157  String
  3  Symbol
  1  Hash

The CSV format is as follows:

Object class path,Class path,Method ID,Singleton method,Path,Line,Alloc generation,Free generation,Memsize,Count

You can find the raw data in the CSV format. It is useful for further analysis. For example: A spreadsheet for Majo result

The columns are as follows:

Column name Description
Object class path The class name of the allocated object
Class path The class name of the receiver of the method allocating the object
Method ID The method name allocating the object
Singleton method true if the method call is for a singleton method
Path The file path of the method allocating the object
Line The line number of the method allocating the object
Alloc generation The GC generation number when the object is allocated
Free generation The GC generation number when the object is freed. It's empty for retained objects.
Memsize The memory size of the object in bytes
Count Number of objects allocated with the same conditions


The name "Majo" is a Japanese word 魔女 that means "witch". It is a wordplay on the word "major" in "major GC".


This gem is inspired by memory_profiler gem.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


A memory profiler focusing on long-lived objects.







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