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Paul Modlin edited this page Apr 14, 2018 · 10 revisions

What is Cargo?

Cargo is the Rust package manager. Cargo downloads your Rust project’s dependencies, compiles your project, makes packages, and upload them to, the Rust community’s package registry.

Cargo comes bundled with rust on some platforms, and not on others. As always, it is recommended to install rust and cargo with your package manager:


[sudo] apt install cargo

Debian does not have cargo packaged in its stable or older repositories. However, it is available in testing/buster and unstable/sid. Add one of these repositories to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ and setup your pins appropriately. (Do read the warnings on this page, but unless you have other packages in stable using llvm, you shouldn't break any of your other packages.)


[sudo] dnf install cargo


[sudo] pacman -S rustc

If rustc/cargo is not available for your distro, you can install it separately:

curl -sSf | sh

Know the dangers of curl $* | sh ! You may prefer inspecting the script before running it:

curl -sSf >
$PAGER   # inspect the install script
sh       # run it

Setting up a project with Cargo

cargo new your-project-name --bin

You should now have a directory containing these files:

├─ Cargo.toml
└─ src

You may also have a .git directory and a .gitignore file.

Adding domain-coloring to your project

Currently, domain-coloring is not on, but you can still add it as a dependency.

Edit Cargo.toml and add/edit the [dependencies] section:

domain-coloring = { git = "", branch = "master" }

Finally, in src/, add the following:

extern crate domain-coloring;

Running your program with cargo

Cargo will automatically include the necessary dependencies when building your project. Here are some commands to get you started:

cargo update          # install missing dependencies and update version information
cargo build           # creates an unoptimized build at target/debug/your-project-name
cargo run             # creates an unoptimized build at target/debug/your-project-name and runs it
cargo build --release # creates an optimized build at target/release/your-project-name
cargo run --release   # creates an optimized build at target/release/your-project-name and runs it