microStudio standalone 22-02-28
This new version of the microStudio standalone app brings a new asset manager, folders, new sprite edition functions and many smaller fixes and improvements.
New language: Russian
Thanks a lot to @Kureshik for his work on the Russian localization. Also thanks to Constantine_Retrogamer for his contribution.
New features
- Asset Manager! Activate the tab for your project, then import your text files (TXT and CSV), JSON data, fonts (TTF), 3D models (GLB and OBJ)
- Sprite editor Flip and Rotate! Thanks to @HomineLudens for providing an initial implementation
- Folders in sounds and music tabs
- microScript v2 pre-alpha! It is very early though, don't check this one unless you are very curious. Most of the new features promised for v2 aren't there yet as I first focused on making all microScript v1 work on the new engine. Still, most of the hard work is done, what remains to be done is about 20% of it all.
Fixes and improvements
- Sprite editor toolbar fixes by @karlmolina (thanks!)
- microScript editor indentation fix by @karlmolina (thanks!)
- microScript v1 interpreted now also supports native callbacks (useful when passing callbacks along to Babylon.js or other libs)
- Improved help window layout (preventing it from hiding code) #84
- Fixed #74 and #81
- Fixed wrong mouse inputs after system.prompt()
- Fixed deletion of non-empty folders
- Fixed #79
- Project tabs will now scroll if your window / screen height is limited
- Fixed bugs #76 #59 #73 #75 and #78
- Fixed project search filter broken when there are pending invitations
- Set correct page title / description / twitter+facebook card image on public project links
- Translation Fixes
- Fixed incorrect transpiler output for while loops