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Vincent edited this page Oct 23, 2017 · 1 revision
33	0021	!	041	0x21	0x21		Exclamation point, bang
34	0022	"	042	0x22	0x22	"	Quote, double quote
35	0023	#	043	0x23	0x23		Number, pound, hash
36	0024	$	044	0x24	0x24		Dollar
37	0025	%	045	0x25	0x25		Percent
38	0026	&	046	0x26	0x26	&	Ampersand, and
39	0027	'	047	0x27	0x27	'	Apostrophe, single quote
40	0028	(	050	0x28	0x28		Open parenthesis, open parens
41	0029	)	051	0x29	0x29		Close parenthesis, close parens
42	002a	*	052	0x2A	0x2A		Asterisk, star, glob
43	002b	+	053	0x2B	0x2B		Plus
44	002c	,	054	0x2C	0x2C		Comma
45	002d	-	055	0x2D	0x2D		Hyphen, dash, minus
46	002e	.	056	0x2E	0x2E		Period, dot, decimal, full stop
47	002f	/	057	0x2F	0x2F		Slash, forward slash, stroke, virgule, solidus
48	0030	0	060	0x30	0x30		
49	0031	1	061	0x31	0x31		
50	0032	2	062	0x32	0x32		
51	0033	3	063	0x33	0x33		
52	0034	4	064	0x34	0x34		
53	0035	5	065	0x35	0x35		
54	0036	6	066	0x36	0x36		
55	0037	7	067	0x37	0x37		
56	0038	8	070	0x38	0x38		
57	0039	9	071	0x39	0x39		
58	003a	:	072	0x3A	0x3A		Colon
59	003b	;	073	0x3B	0x3B		Semicolon
60	003c	<	074	0x3C	0x3C	&lt;	Less-than sign
61	003d	=	075	0x3D	0x3D		Equals sign
62	003e	>	076	0x3E	0x3E	&gt;	Greater-than sign
63	003f	?	077	0x3F	0x3F		Question mark
64	0040	@	100	0x40	0x40		At sign
65	0041	A	101	0x41	0x41		
66	0042	B	102	0x42	0x42		
67	0043	C	103	0x43	0x43		
68	0044	D	104	0x44	0x44		
69	0045	E	105	0x45	0x45		
70	0046	F	106	0x46	0x46		
71	0047	G	107	0x47	0x47		
72	0048	H	110	0x48	0x48		
73	0049	I	111	0x49	0x49		
74	004a	J	112	0x4A	0x4A		
75	004b	K	113	0x4B	0x4B		
76	004c	L	114	0x4C	0x4C		
77	004d	M	115	0x4D	0x4D		
78	004e	N	116	0x4E	0x4E		
79	004f	O	117	0x4F	0x4F		
80	0050	P	120	0x50	0x50		
81	0051	Q	121	0x51	0x51		
82	0052	R	122	0x52	0x52		
83	0053	S	123	0x53	0x53		
84	0054	T	124	0x54	0x54		
85	0055	U	125	0x55	0x55		
86	0056	V	126	0x56	0x56		
87	0057	W	127	0x57	0x57		
88	0058	X	130	0x58	0x58		
89	0059	Y	131	0x59	0x59		
90	005a	Z	132	0x5A	0x5A		
91	005b	[	133	0x5B	0x5B		Left (square) bracket, open (square) bracket
92	005c	\	134	0x5C	0x5C		Backslash
93	005d	]	135	0x5D	0x5D		Right (square) bracket, close (square) bracket
94	005e	^	136	0x5E	0x5E		Caret, up-arrow, circumflex
95	005f	_	137	0x5F	0x5F		Underscore
96	0060	`	140	0x60	0x60		Backtick, backquote
97	0061	a	141	0x61	0x61		
98	0062	b	142	0x62	0x62		
99	0063	c	143	0x63	0x63		
100	0064	d	144	0x64	0x64		
101	0065	e	145	0x65	0x65		
102	0066	f	146	0x66	0x66		
103	0067	g	147	0x67	0x67		
104	0068	h	150	0x68	0x68		
105	0069	i	151	0x69	0x69		
106	006a	j	152	0x6A	0x6A		
107	006b	k	153	0x6B	0x6B		
108	006c	l	154	0x6C	0x6C		
109	006d	m	155	0x6D	0x6D		
110	006e	n	156	0x6E	0x6E		
111	006f	o	157	0x6F	0x6F		
112	0070	p	160	0x70	0x70		
113	0071	q	161	0x71	0x71		
114	0072	r	162	0x72	0x72		
115	0073	s	163	0x73	0x73		
116	0074	t	164	0x74	0x74		
117	0075	u	165	0x75	0x75		
118	0076	v	166	0x76	0x76		
119	0077	w	167	0x77	0x77		
120	0078	x	170	0x78	0x78		
121	0079	y	171	0x79	0x79		
122	007a	z	172	0x7A	0x7A		
123	007b	{	173	0x7B	0x7B		Open brace
124	007c	|	174	0x7C	0x7C		Pipe, vertical bar
125	007d	}	175	0x7D	0x7D		Close brace
126	007e	~	176	0x7E	0x7E		Tilde, twiddle, squiggle
127	007f		177	0x7F	0x7F		DEL, delete
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