A customizable frontend password reset module for ProcessWire.
- PHP >= 5.3.0
- ProcessWire >= 2.6
Copy the password-reset.php file to your site's templates folder and make the changes appropriate for your website's structure.
This file has a few tips and does this, basically:
It runs the controller $modules->get('PasswordReset')->controller()
then loads the scripts $modules->get('PasswordReset')->getScripts()
Password Reset has different configuration options that you can access through Modules > Site > PasswordReset:
Validation field The field to match user registration against. It is important that you make sure these fields remain unique.
Instructions Optional text displayed under the reset form validation field on the first page of the reset process. This field has language support and, when the Language Support module is loaded, will display one instruction field for each language.
Email address to send link from The email address used to send reset links.
Name to use for the email address Name used to send reset links.
Required password length Minimum recommended length: 8.
Password instructions
Optional text displayed under the reset password field. This field has language support and, when the Language Support module is loaded, will display one instruction field for each language.
Returns the necessary JavaScript file url for use in <script>
The scripts don't have any dependencies and must be loaded just before the closing body tag to make sure it works properly.
controller() Where the magic happens.
Make sure the controller is echo'ed somewhere. It will output the forms and any other markup to your pages.
- Uninstall script
- Probably some markup tweaking
- Ajaxify (eventually)
- Progress bar?
0.0.6 Current beta
- Fixed missing translation string.
First working release