A small parking application made with PIXI.js and TweenMax.js which follows MVC design pattern
#How to use
*install xampp
*paste the project files in ..xampp/htdocs
*start xampp's local server
*run http://localhost/ParkingApp/Parking.html in browser (tested on Chrome Version 60.0.3112.101 (Official Build) (64-bit))
*Parking lot with 15 slots
*User can drive in a police car, civil car or a bus (by clicking "IN" or "Police" picture respectivley)
*User can drive out a civil car or a bus (by clicking "OUT" picture)
*User can see how many Parking slots are availble (by clickin the dollar sign picture)
*User can see how many Parking slots are taken (by clickin the dollar sign picture)
*User can see how much money the Parking lot has made (by clickin the dollar sign picture)
*Money being made are only from civil vehicles per hour (less than real hour). Busses and cars have different fees
*User can see the current time (on the red clock)
*There is a message log on the right, which shows the outcome of the users actions
*Car becomes transparent after the user click on it
*There could be only 3 police cars on the screen
*There should be a free space between a police car and a civil one
*Police cars can't be selected
*The UI becomes unavailable while an action is being performed (driving In / Out a car)
*Moving in or out vehicles should follow the direction arrows marked on the asphalt