End Goal: iPhone app to translate a foreign language in real-time
Licensed under the MIT License
brew install armadillo
brew install libsndfile
brew install gnuplot --with-qt
g++ file.cpp -o file -std=c++11
-O2 -larmadillo
Simple logistic regression with gradient descent ✓
Graph loss over time steps ✓
Spectrogram ✓
440 Hz sound, FFT Length of 1024
440 Hz sound, FFT Length of 128
Simple 1 hidden layer neural network ✓
Multiclass classifier ✓
Simple image classifier
Image classifier for different size images using pyramid kernel
Curve comparison algorithm for all frequencies
Lexicon of french phrases to english phrases
Audio files of all french words from Mac say tool
Labels for audio files
Train algorithm for words
Reduce dimensions using PCA
Train algorithm for words
Develop memory for parsing phrases
Lexicon of french phrases to english phrases ✓
Audio files of all french phrases from Mac say tool
Labels for audio files
Train algorithm for phrases
Deploy app on iPhone to hook up w/ wearable mic and microphone
Wearables: Zungle Panther / earbud
http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Pima+Indians+Diabetes , body measurements vs. existence of diabetes ✓
https://www.umass.edu/statdata/statdata/stat-logistic.html , myopia factors vs. existence of myopia ✓
http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/ , image of number vs. number
http://marsyasweb.appspot.com/download/data_sets/ , files vs. music genre
http://www.manythings.org/bilingual/ , translation corpus for english vs. other other languages ✓
https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Iris, flower measurements vs. iris type ✓
Andrew Ng paper on speech classification
Montreal paper on music genre classification
DARPA Case Study for Arabic translation
Google paper on offline speech recognition