This is my personal portfolio website showcasing my projects, skills, and experiences as a web developer. The site is built using modern web technologies like Three.js for 3D models, React for dynamic components, and various motion animations to create an interactive experience.
To set up the project locally, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository and install dependencies:
git clone
cd /my_portfolio
npm install
- Sign up for an EmailJS account
- Create an email service and email template on EmailJS.
- Set up environment variables in a .env file:
VITE_APP_EMAILJS_SERVICE_ID = <service_qwer1234> # replace it with your service ID
VITE_APP_EMAILJS_TEMPLATE_ID = <template_qwer1234> # replace it with your template ID
VITE_APP_EMAILJS_PUBLIC_KEY = <myPublicKey> # replace it with your public key
- start the app & open localhost
npm run dev
- Vite, React, TypeScript – Core web framework and language.
- TailwindCSS – For responsive and utility-first CSS.
- Three.js + React-three-fiber – To render 3D models.
- Framer Motion – For smooth animations.
- React Tilt – Adds tilt effects to elements.
- EmailJS – Handles email form submissions.
The portfolio includes:
- 3D interactive models built with Three.js.
- Smooth animations and transitions using Framer Motion.
- Contact form integrated with EmailJS for easy communication.
- UI design inspired by adrianhajdin/project_3D_developer_portfolio, I studied its approach and then independently built my own version using TypeScript and add the feature of switching to Chinese version.