With the recent growth of people on the internet, civil conversations are seeing a decline. “Whatever intelligent observations do lurk there are often drowned out by obscenities, ad-hominem attacks, and off-topic rants.” These things are forcing many online platforms which once flourished with intellectual discussions to close the comment sections. To facilitate meaningful conversations on their online platform The New York Times employed full-time moderators who moderate nearly 11,000 comments per day on the selected article(roughly 10% of Times articles). However, for small firms operating people for these tasks might be out of scope. To aid, the Conversation AI team, a research initiative founded by Jigsaw and Google (both a part of Alphabet) are working on tools to help improve online conversation. One area of focus is the study of negative online behaviors, like toxic comments (i.e. comments that are rude, disrespectful or otherwise likely to make someone leave a discussion). So far they’ve built a range of publicly available models served through the Perspective API, including toxicity.
Source: It consists of large number of Wikipedia comments which have been labeled by human raters for toxic behavior. The types of toxicity are:
- Anger
- Joy
- Sadness
- Shame
- Guilt
- Disgust
- Fear
Python Version should be installed 3.7.0 or above. pip should be present.
Cloning Repository
git clone project link
After cloning the project move to the project folder and use the following commands to install dependencies.
Virtual environments Use a virtual environment to manage the dependencies for your project, both in development and in production.Virtual environments are independent groups of Python libraries, one for each project. Packages installed for one project will not affect other projects or the operating system's packages.
Intsalling Virtual Environment
sudo pip3 install virtualenv
create a virtual environment
virtualenv anyname
Installing Dependencies
pip install requirments.txt
This will install all the dependencies related to the project.
Now to start the project
python filename.py
Wait for few seconds for model training. Move to the port which is being locally hosted. Bang !! Find out whether the comment is toxic or not