A three.js and oimo.js sandbox based on Sinan Mutlu's webpack-simple-starter project
First, install the modules that the project needs.
$ npm install
Now, let's start developing.
$ npm run dev
Finally development process done. Let's export for production.
$ npm run build
That's it!. Files are ready to under the dist/
directory for production.
There are four main directories in project. This directories like below:
build/ # Webpack configurations
config/ # Dev and prod configurations
src/ # Project development files
|_ scripts/ # Javascript files
|_ styles/ # Style files (scss)
|_ views/ # HTML templates (pug)
static/ # Static files (Like fonts, images)
- Babel.js for ES6 compile
- Sass for CSS
- Pug for HTML template
Also, this project supports hot reload and includes full linting via eslint
This project is under the MIT license.