Python scripts containing bioinfomatic pipeline for detecting eccDNA from long read Oxford Nanopore.
CReSIL (developing version)
Creating an environment with commands:
## Install environment conda create -n cresil -y -c anaconda -c bioconda -c conda-forge python=3.6.7 biopython=1.70 mappy=2.17=py36h84994c4_0 minimap2=2.17=h8b12597_1 python-intervaltree=3.0.2 tqdm=4.7.2 flye=2.6=py36he513fc3_0 pandas=0.24.2 numpy=1.12.1 pysam=0.15.3 pybedtools=0.8.0 python-graphviz=0.13.2 matplotlib=3.1.1 networkx=2.3 samtools bioawk ## Activate CReSIL environment conda activate cresil ## Export CReSIL to system environment export PATH=$PWD:$PATH ## Run CReSIL -h -h -h
## Run trim python CReSIL/ -i exp_reads.fastq -r hg19.25chr.mmi -o exp_reads ## Run eccDNA identification python CReSIL/ -fq exp_reads.fastq -trim exp_reads.refTrim_map.txt -g hg19.25chr.fasta.fai -b exp1 -o eccdna_result ## Run verify eccDNA python CReSIL/ -d eccdna_result -i eccdna_result/exp1/exp1.refTrim_map.eccDNA.txt -r hg19.25chr.mmi -o exp1.refTrim_map.eccDNA.verified.txt
NanoCircle is a tool developed for identifying the coordinates of both simple and chimeric circular molecules, sequenced using long-read sequencing. Contact Rasmus Amund Henriksen, [email protected]
Please refer to for the latest version of NanoCircle