Brief Description: A simplified query engine written with Typescript for a small in memory dataset.
- Requirements:
- NodeJs v20.18.0
- Npm v10.8.2
- Instructions:
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Build:
npm run build
- Run:
npm run start
- Install dependencies:
- Unit Tests:
npm run test
- Usage:
- Once the ingest phase has completed, the user can type a query.
- Typing the command
the session terminates. - Any query can be composed using the following grammar:
Query = Project Filter | Project | Filter Number = digit* "." digit+ | digit+ String = "\""alnum+"\"" columnName = ("0".."9"|"a".."z"|"A".."Z"|"-"|"_")+ Columns = ListOf<columnName, ","> Project = ("PROJECT" | "Project" | "project") Columns Filter = ("FILTER" | "Filter" | "filter") FilterPredicate FilterPredicate = columnName "<" String | columnName ">" String | columnName "=" String | columnName "<" Number | columnName ">" Number | columnName "=" Number
- Requirements:
PROJECT operatingSystem, appUsageTime FILTER userID > 500
PROJECT deviceModel, batteryDrain, screenOnTime
PROJECT userID, operatingSystem, numberOfAppsInstalled
FILTER userID > 500
FILTER deviceModel = "Google Pixel 5"
FILTER deviceModel > "iPhone"
- Ingest: loads data into memory, convert numeric fields, create primary key and indexes
- Parser: parse and validate user-defined queries
- Engine: executes queries
- Orchestrator: starts up the system and handle the user interaction