🎉 This release contains work from a new contributor! 🎉
Thank you, Stefano Moia (@smoia), for all your work!
🐛 Bug Fix
- Rename "run" into "take" for clearer purposes and fix naming convention in multi-take overlapping #427 (@smoia)
- Fix trigger plots when trigger has different sampling than time #426 (@smoia)
- Prevent slicing from terminating program if end of last slice is above maximum timepoints. #425 (@smoia)
- Update trigger threshold guess estimation to mean of trigger channel #377 (@62442katieb)
📝 Documentation
- Update contributors list #423 ([email protected] @smoia)
⚠️ Tests
- Fix testing enviroment by using
apt-get install build-essential
rather thanapt-get install make
#413 (@vinferrer)
🏠 Internal
Authors: 4
- Katie Bottenhorn (@62442katieb)
- smoia ([email protected])
- Stefano Moia (@smoia)
- Vicente Ferrer (@vinferrer)