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Laravel Online Payment Gateway Package

This is a laravel gateway payment package with multi driver support. Each driver can have multiple configurations. Supports laravel v8.0+ and requires php v8.1+

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Supported Gateways

Installation & Configuration

Install using composer

  composer require omalizadeh/laravel-multi-payment

Publish main config file

  php artisan vendor:publish --tag=multipayment-config

Publish gateway config file based on tags. like:

  • zarinpal-config
  • mellat-config
  • saman-config
  • pasargad-config
  • novin-config

For example:

  php artisan vendor:publish --tag=zarinpal-config

Also you can publish view file for gateway redirection and customize it

  php artisan vendor:publish --tag=multipayment-view

In main config file multipayment.php, you can specify default driver. For example, zarinpal.second value states that zarinpal gateway with configuration under second key section on zarinpal config file will be used. There is also an option for auto amount conversion from Iranian Tomans to Iranian Rials currency (IRR) and vice versa.

     * set default gateway
     * valid pattern --> GATEWAY_NAME.GATEWAY_CONFIG_KEY 
    'default_gateway' => env('DEFAULT_PAYMENT_GATEWAY', 'zarinpal.second'),

     *  set to false if your in-app currency is IRR
    'convert_to_rials' => true

In each gateway config file, you can specify multiple credentials, therefore you may have multiple gateways for your app from same provider.

     *  gateway configurations
    'first' => [
        'merchant_id'  => '',
        'callback_url' => '',
        'mode'        => 'normal', // Supported values: normal, sandbox, zaringate
        'description' => 'payment using zarinpal',
    'second' => [
        'merchant_id'  => '',
        'callback_url' => '',
        'mode'        => 'sandbox',
        'description' => 'payment using zarinpal',


Gateway payment has two major phases. first is purchase (start process by calling gateway api for a transaction_id/token) and opening gateway payment web page with received data. second is verification (checking payment was successful).


Inovice objects hold payment data. first you create an invoice, set amount and other information, then you pass invoice to PaymentGateway Facade to start payment process. you can use setProvider method on facade to change gateway before payment.

    // On top...
    use Omalizadeh\MultiPayment\Facades\PaymentGateway;


    $invoice = new Invoice(10000);
    return PaymentGateway::purchase($invoice, function (string $transactionId) {
        // Save transaction_id and do stuff...


After payment gateway redirection to your app, you must create an invoice and set it's transaction_id and amount. then use PaymentGateway to verify invoice successful payment.

    try {
        // Get amount & transaction_id from database or gateway request
        $invoice = new Invoice($amount, $transactionId);
        $receipt = PaymentGateway::verify($invoice);
        // Save receipt data and return response
    } catch (PaymentAlreadyVerifiedException $exception) {
        // Optional: Handle repeated verification request
    } catch (PaymentFailedException $exception) {
        // Handle exception for failed payments
        return $exception->getMessage();

Other Features

Unverified Payments

There is also a method (supported by zarinpal only for now) to get a list of successful unverified payments. use unverifiedPayments method in PaymentGateway facade for this feature.


Using refund method, you can refund a successful payment back to customer.


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