cpaste is command line client for
To obtain the tool type in the console:
go install
Before first usage user must have pro account on pastebin and obtain user key with cpaste tool. User key allows user to create pastes as logged user. To obtain such a key:
cpaste session --devkey development_key --user my_mysername --pass password
cpaste stores only dev and user keys in file located under ~/.config/cpaste.json
To post paste from stdin:
phob0s@pc ~ $ echo "hi I am paste" | cpaste publish -e 1H
User can also post a file:
phob0s@pc ~ $ cpaste file --path file.go -e 1H
To show own pastes:
phob0s@pc ~ $ cpaste list
| Paste URL | time left | scope | format | title |
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1h0m0s public [go] "file.go" 1h0m0s public [text] ""
To delete paste:
phob0s@pc ~ $ cpaste delete --paste-key id1235
Paste Removed