Collection of LaTeX utility packages for scientific documents
These packages provide useful definitions which I use often when writing scientific documents (and more specifically for quantum information theory). Some packages may be of more general use (formatting notes as a short document, full-page figures, quoting unformatted text, adding an SVN version watermark). Other packages are meant for scientific documents (more advanced theorems/proofs framework, handy parens in equations). The phfqit package is specifically for quantum information theory.
Each package version evolves independently, and each package is submitted independently to CTAN.
— format documents for short notes. Nicer title, saves more space on paper, and provides some handy definitions. Choose between several presets to get your preferred document appearance. -
— as the package name suggests, place figures on full pages. The caption e.g. reads "Figure 1 (on next page): blah blah" and the figure may occupy the full next page. -
— quote verbatim text, from e.g. an email, without worrying about LaTeX special characters. Differs from\begin{verbatim}...\end{verbatim}
environment in that whitespace is not preformatted. -
— add a watermark to your documents with the SVN ID, so that you know which document is which version -
— goodies for theorems and proofs. -
— cool definitions for mathematical parenthetic expressions. Easy to resize, short code which is still readable. -
— some useful definitions for LaTeXing stuff in quantum information theory, which I use often -
— inline commenting in collaborative documents -
— Typeset extended abstracts for conferences, such as often encountered in quantum information theory.
From source: clone this repo, then type
> make install
to install into your local TEXMF tree. For a list of available actions, type
> make
Package documentation is provided via LaTeX' standard dtx scheme. To build the package documentation, run
> make pdf
(C) 2016-2021 Philippe Faist, [email protected]
This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3 or above.