Open-source analysis code for angular filter refractometry analysis
This code is very much a work in progress - please contact me with suggestions bugs.
The best way to install the package is in development mode. Clone the repository onto your computer (ideally using GitHub Desktop) and then follow the instructions below. In this development mode, any changes made to the local files (local edits or updates by pulling from github) will be automatically reflected in the package.
- Open an Anaconda prompt (Windows) or a regular terminal prompt (Mac, Linux)
- Install the package dependencies by running this command from the anaconda terminal: 'conda install matplotlib numpy scipy astropy h5py'
- Run the command 'conda develop _' where _ is the package directory path. eg. 'conda develop /Users/Username/Documents/GitHub/openAFR'
- Open Anaconda (close and restart if necessary) and test that the package has been added to the path by importing something, eg. "from openAFR.afrfilter import AFRFilter
- If necessary, packages can be uninstalled with 'conda develop -u _'
(Instructions untested) (Anaconda is recommened - only use these instructions if you don't have Anaconda).
- Open a command prompt
- Install package dependencies 'pip install matplotlib numpy scipy astropy h5py'
- Run the command 'pip install -e _' where _ is the path to the package directory, eg. 'conda develop /Users/Username/Documents/GitHub/openAFR'
The openAFR routines require HDF5 files, while the current output format for datafiles on the OMEGA EP facility is HDF4.
openAFR includes a function ensure_hdf5
that use the HDFGroup's h4toh5convert function to convert hdf4 files () to hdf5.
Download and install the lastest version of the conversion utility from the HDF group:
Add the \bin file to your path. This should be something like C:\Program Files\HDF_Group\H4TOH5\2.2.2\bin
Test by running "h4toh5convert -h" in the command line