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@estebanlm estebanlm released this 15 May 12:31

New Features:


  • #eventHandler low level protocol added to presenters. Now you can directly listen: focusReceived, focusLost, keyUp, keyDown, mouseUp, mouseDown, mouseEnter, mouseLeave and mouseMove.
  • <meta+t> will show the context menu of presenters, if defined.
  • styles of presenters can be added and removed in runtime.
  • added #defaultKeyboardFocus to complement focus state (when I want to transmit the default focus to one of my children instead of the first one... but I do not want to rewrite the full #focusOrder)
  • To all text presenters (text area, text field, code area, etc): autoAccept property was removed, all text is by default "autoAccept" now.
    • whenSubmitDo:/whenResetDo: mapping <meta+s> and <meta+l> events were added to replace the usage of acceptBlock:, etc..
  • added a general mechanism to allow i18n.


  • SpTextPresenter
    • add "editable" property to use when I need to show text but not modifiable.
    • adds natural width/height propagation concept (to auto-expand text areas when needed, instead following scrollbar size).
    • cursorPosition answers row@column position (adds to cursorPositionIndex which answers position from start of text).
  • SpCodePresenter
    • now can add user defined contextMenu in addition to code default menu (you can still override it completely if you want).
    • Now commands work properly (it was not the case).
    • It has a new #interactiveModel api to give the presenter an object who will handle all Pharo related stuff.
  • SpMenuItemPresenter
    • name and icon now are modifiable on runtime.
  • SpToolBarPresenter
    • added SpToolBarToggleButtonPresenter
    • added SpToolBarMenuButtonPresenter
  • SpModalWindowPresenter
    • close on backdrop click is not false by default (the regular desktop behaviour)


  • SpBoxLayout now has alignment properties (hAlignCenter, hAlignStart, hAlignEnd, vAlignCenter, vAlignStart, vAlignEnd) that will handle how the contained presenters will be aligned in the layout.

New presenters:

  • SpPopoverPresenter, to show popovers relative to a presenter (or located elsewhere in screen).
  • SpWorldPresenter (Morphic specific) restored and working properly (this is used to make a presenter to "take over the world".


  • Toolbar now does not has a weird effect when hovering
  • MenuItems now display shortcut properly
  • Number presenter answers zero to value when content is empty.
  • Style now correctly calculates properties (there was a bug where nested defining properties where replacing higher level ones, instead merging them).
  • Scrolling and selection now decoupled (you can select without scrolling, which was not possible)

(And a lot more tweaks and fixes that makes this version a lot more stable)