Petrale Sole stock assessment for the U.S. West Coast
# make sure you're in the right directory
# line below should return "Package: petrale"
# load everything in the petrale folder
# first time:
# install.packages("devtools")
# install.packages("markdown")
# pak::pak("pfmc-assessments/sa4ss")
# pak::pak("pfmc-assessments/nwfscSurvey")
# compile document for current base model
# (depends on model files in "models" directory)
# update r4ss to branch related to units of spawning output
## other helpful functions
# first run `devtool::load_all()` in the petrale folder
get_mod(26, 1)
# # reports the following
# id = 2023.a026.001
# dir = 2023.a026.001_hess_step
# reading model from: models/2023.a026.001_hess_step
# creating mod.26.1 in workspace